Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Decongesting Eyes

Since I was a child, I had constant discharge from my eyes.
Sometimes my eye lids would stick together or the dry mucus would rub inside of my eyeballs.
Despite allergy medicines and trying to keep a dust-free environment, I was plagued with this stuff coming out of my eyes.
Despite being told that this was "just sleep stuck in my eye lids," I was convinced that this was NOT normal.
After lots of experimentation with nutrition and natural remedies, I removed most of the eye stuff, including a constant nasal drip.
About 20 years later, I met a Herbalist who put me on the following formulae, which worked like a charm.
Follow this 3 month program which is a very low carb and no sugar diet (weak coffee is permitted) Month One: 100,000 IU Vitamin A once daily (1/2 from beta-carotene and from fish oil) Salmon preferably.
(Note: Over 100,000 IU of straight vitamin A can be toxic over long periods of time.
Use with caution) 20 mg B complex before each meal 25 mg B2 before each meal Coffee enema once daily.
Chop an onion once daily to bring tears to your eyes.
Month two 75,000 IU Vitamin A (1/2 & 1/2) as before.
No Coffee enema Month Three 50,000 IU Vitamin A (1/2 & ½) The same as second month.
Take juice of potato, cucumber, onion and pepper (spice).
Drink 6 oz.
Of this one half hour before supper for 30 days.
Simple but, not easy.
For more health articles, contact me at: http//2nd Wind Body Science// Doug Setter, Bachelor of Human Ecology

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