Technology Software

How to Convert DSM to AVI

    • 1). Open up your file-conversion program. Click on the "Input" option, which will bring up a pop-up window. Here you can browse for the file you wish to convert to an .AVI. Click on the file and then hit "OK".

    • 2). Click on the "Save As" button, which will bring up a window requiring you to say where you are going to save the file. and what you're going to name it. Name the new file something different from the old one so you do not get confused. Save it wherever you want and then click "OK."

    • 3). Click on the "Output" option, which will bring up a list of options for output of the video. Choose the AVI option. This will automatically change all of the settings for the best quality in video and audio for the .AVI output.

    • 4). Click "Convert" in the bottom right-hand corner, and a pop-up window will present itself showing you the progress of the conversion. Once it's done it will make a sound to let you know it's finished.

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