How to Install PHPBB Security
- 1). Log into your cPanel control panel via your website host provider. Click on the "MySQL Databases" icon on the menu.
- 2). Enter a name for your forum in the "New Database" field, and then click the "Create Database" button. Click on the "Go Back" link once the database has been created.
- 3). Scroll down to the "Add New User" icon, and then enter your username and password into the fields. Click on the "Create User" icon.
- 4). Click on the "Add" button once you have created your username and password. Choose your username form the "User" field, and then choose "phpbb" from the "Database" field. Click the "Add" button.
- 5). Go to the PHPBB website, and then click on the "Download PHPBB" icon. Download the software to your computer, and then open your FTP program.
- 6). Connect to your server through the FTP software. Enter your username, password and URL for your website into the fields. Click the "Connect" icon to connect to your website.
- 7). Drag the PHPBB folder to your Public_HTML folder, and wait for the software to transfer. Open your web browser to open the "PHPBB Intro Page." Click on the "Install" icon, and then click the "Start Install" icon to start the installation.
- 8). Enter your information from the MySQL database you created earlier, and then click the "Proceed To Next Step" button. Wait for the "Successful" message, and then click "Next Step."
- 9). Go to the "Administrator Configuration" page, and then enter your administrator username. Enter your administrator password and your email address, and then click the "Next Step" icon.
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Click the "Advanced Settings" page and leave all the defaults alone, so you get all the emails to the forum. Click the "Proceed To Next Step" icon to complete the installation.