Business & Finance Corporations

Retirement - is a Home Based Internet Business a Viable Solution?

Retirement is no longer age driven or certain, governments and corporations no longer ensure entitlements of any kind.
Young boys who did not graduate high school or college became millionaires, home business owners made up the new 'middle class', the internet business opportunities were contrary to standard jobs and more and more people are looking to online businesses to generate a sustainable income from the comfort of their own homes.
In the last decade, we heard of MLMs and Pyramids Schemes, most thought and still do think they are one in the same, they are NOT.
People sought alternatives to their personal crises.
Others started to go back to old school ways of network marketing and sell door to door.
The Cost of Living was rising gradually at first and then oil jumped, this was only the beginning.
A financial crisis truly began in the early 2000s and most did not even notice it.
Going to the supermarket told us something was amiss; the worst was yet to come.
Then it hit the fan, people began losing money at a rapid rate.
Pension plans crashed, stocks, mutual funds and our homes proved to be the worst kind of investments.
Most 401Ks did not admit they were in trouble yet we would see people lose half of their investments.
Every family is affected, jobs were lost and still more everyday.
How could this happen? The banks told us to borrow even though we did not qualify, and we did.
Consumers were on a rampage, nothing was delayed anymore, everyone wanted everything and they wanted it NOW.
Some people got out early, either by their design or the fact that they happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Most others to date are stuck, wondering what to do as they watch the economy unfold and their finances with it.
Despite this, some great Home Based Internet Businesses grew out of the ensuing chaos.
Behind the scenes they were those, not yet in the class known as "rich" diligently building their Home Based Internet Businesses.
They had felt and known that a financial storm was approaching and had been preparing for it.
Others knew that the old way of doing things would no longer sustain a family.
Knowing that these changes would destroy families, homes and relationships because of financial burdens; they started to put systems in place.
These systems would survive recessions, depressions and ultimately the eradication of the middle class.
These Home Based Internet Businesses would not merely sustain but allow one to thrive despite the storm.
When retirement comes, government subsidies and bailouts will not sustain or guarantee any real future.
Old business models are crumbling and will not be our answer.
A Home Based Internet Business presents the most viable option for those looking to avoid a financial wipe-out and to not only survive but thrive in a recession.

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