Technology Networking & Internet


Without doubts, it's a failed entrepreneur that does his work all by himself. Does that explain how smart or intelligent he is? Business and success originates from thoughts and it's a less busy and undisturbed mind that thinks well to do business and be successful with such a business.

The same applies to every area of life including activities going on, on the internet. There are truly million activities going on, on the internet. Three of these activities can be categorized under the term "information finding" To split things, these include finding of jobs - also internships and fellowships. Other two are finding of education - scholarships and finding of scholastic materials to write research works, thesis, projects or assignments.

It's no doubt that the purpose of internet is for the dissemination and transferring of information. So, simply put, people go online to give information and seek information. But the questions arise. Do we all know how to do the search? De we all have what it takes to do the search - I mean the technical know how? Are we all internet literates?

A bitter truth is that, "if a man continues to do what he is doing the same way he is doing it; he will surely continue to get the same results. In the light of this, if you keep searching for jobs, scholarships, fellowships even scholastic materials - for research writing, project writing, thesis or assignments, just as you were used to find them, I promise you that your result is not going to be a bit different.

But not everybody can have the knowledge required or the technical-know-how. Do you think you can do it all on your own? Okay, let's look at it from this angle. When do you start browsing? How many days do you browse in a week - five, six or seven. Okay, how many hours a day? How close are you to the millions of recourses and links? How much can you say about the internet? Is it all about your emails - yahoo stuffs and Google search?

There is more to internet and information finding than just know how to do little manipulation.

Are you aware of the internet guru? Millions of people are out there who know more than you about the things you do online. They are teachers and experts in their fields. These people are specialists. Though it takes them years and lot of resources to be what they are. If you want to be like they you must also venture into it like they. It is said, "If you want to be successful, do what the successful people are doing".

In my own view, it is not until you leave more hours a day to it or more days a week or more weeks a month or more before you can be like they. My dad had a joke, he would say, "even if I can't speak English, I had paid for one by sending my children to school". Pay little for the service of the specialist and get what they had for years worked for. You get it all for just a couple of dollars.

Millions of people remain what they are - poor and unsuccessful in their life chases, because they want to be self sufficient. Even no country is. I specialize on more things on the Net, but when my clients call in and I don't have what they want in stock, I know the right partners to talk to. I know the right specialists to call.

Show me a man who will want to give out more than he receives. That's irrational. Give out little to a specialist and find that thing which may cost more days, months, even years and money had you done it all by yourself.

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