Technology Networking & Internet

Local Business Listings And Backlinks: 4 Ways To Get Them

Several things need to be considered as local business owners work at getting their small business online. One of those is getting local business listings and backlinks for people to find your business in multiple ways.

In this article we will go over 4 ways to get local business listings and backlinks to increase your exposure online and drive more visitors to your small business website.

1. Google Local also known as Google Maps. Google is the largest search engine in the world and to be found locally you want to show up at the in their results on

This is not hard to do yet it is amazing how many small businesses do not take the time to do it. It's important to be specific when placing your listing so they include keywords that you would like to be ranked for.

Google Local brings up targeted results by region and this is your chance to show up on Google Maps at the top of a targeted search phrase. Right now the service is free so it's worth getting a listing with them.

2. Online Yellow Pages. YellowBook, Dex, and others are a good way to get listed on the internet in yellow pages. Yellow pages are not used much anymore, but an online listing can get you some high quality backlinks.

3. Social Networks. Yelp is a good place to start on social networking for local businesses. Wikipedia says "Yelp, Inc. is a Web 2.0 company that operates a social networking, user review, and local search web site of the same name. Over 25 million people access Yelp's website each month, putting it in the top 150 of U.S. Internet web sites.

4. Backlinks from high traffic websites. You can purchase a high quality link from services such as TextBrokers which will increase the worth of your own site in the eyes of Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines.

You can also create a resource directory and do link exchanges with other relevant local businesses owners. You can also work at getting backlinks via blogging, social media such as video marketing, posting in discussion forums, article marketing, and so forth.

Your goal very simple with local business listings is just like any type of advertising that you do. You are trying to place your website in places where people can find it. It only stands to reason that the more listings you have the more potential traffic your website will get.

This is why working on backlinks is another important strategy. Search engine such as Google rank sites higher based on the number backlinks they have.

In summary this is 4 ways to get local business to business listings and backlinks. This should be part of an ongoing Internet marketing strategy you have for your local small business.

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