Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Find Out If You Qualify for Lasik Surgery

Lasik surgery may transform your life.
With outstanding opportunities to improve the way you see, there is no doubt that those who qualify for this procedure should consider it.
There are some risks.
The procedure is not right for everyone.
However, if you do qualify, it may allow you to improve your vision significantly, far beyond what you thought.
Most people have no idea what they are missing until they see for the first time after this procedure.
Consider if you are a good candidate for it.
Your Vision Is Stable One of the key factors in determining if Lasik surgery is a good option is to consider your current vision.
Is it stable or is it continuously changing? Though most people have small changes from one year to the next, most people who do not need a new prescription contact lens or glasses will be good candidates for this procedure.
Younger patients are a big concern for doctors, since their eyes may continue to change significantly.
Once you reach the age of 25, though, most have stable-enough vision to pursue this treatment option.
Are You Healthy? Though you do not have to be completely healthy to have this procedure, you should have stable health.
Any chronic health conditions need to be in check and under doctor care.
If you have any type of autoimmune disorder, though, you may not qualify for this procedure.
Those with these conditions are less likely to heal well.
Any condition in which would healing is affected, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus may not be a candidate for this surgical procedure.
The Condition of Your Eyes The next concern is that surrounding your eye health.
Those who have corneas that are abnormal or scarred may not qualify for this procedure.
This can limit some people who are older.
Those involved in traumatic incidents where damage occurred to the eye may also be affected.
Some individuals have diseases that can lead to damage to the cornea.
Others have an inherited abnormality.
Talk to your doctor if you have amaurosis, Addison's disease, Down's syndrome or osteogensis imperfecta.
What Else? You should be at least 18 years of age to consider this treatment.
You will have an exam by the doctor to determine if your eye's condition is improved through this type of surgical procedure.
If your corneas are too thin, you may not qualify.
If your pupils are not the normal size, you may not qualify.
Your doctor will provide additional information about whether or not you are a candidate for Lasik surgery after taking the time fully to consider your eye health.
Most people do qualify for it if they have overall good health.

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