Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

Time With Your Kids Is Possible! Here"s How.

Time with kids! What a dream, what a noble goal to have! Are you among the thousands and thousands of parents who dread dropping their kids off at school or daycare in the morning? Perhaps you are one of those dads who feel like they never get to see their kids. Maybe you are a mom who has to face an eight-hour day at work, only to rush to pick up the kids, and then go home to another eight-hour work (cooking, cleaning, and caring for the kids). If any of this sounds familiar, read on, I've got good news for you!

Once upon a time, I also had that dream. After my girls were born, I became convinced that there had to be a way to earn a living while being available for them both physically, and most importantly, emotionally. Well, let me tell you some of the things I tried:

  • MLM(Multi Level Marketing) -- My initial attempts to gain freedom came in the form of MLM businesses. You know, Mary Kay. Well, for those of you considering this type of business, there are some clear advantages to them, and those who manage to succeed in this type of venture stand to gain great rewards. The most attractive aspect of MLM businesses is the idea of residual income (doing the work once, and collecting several times). See, when you build your business and recruit consultants, you start earning commissions on work THEY do. So, essentially you collect on work you did not do yourself. The downside to MLMs and the reason they didn't work for me, is that traditional structures for these types of businesses require you to approach your friends and family, which is something I wasn't comfortable with. Plus, building the business takes you outside of your home for "parties" and meetings, which meant more time away from the girls. That kind of defeated the purpose.

  • Bake sales, Party Planning, and Tutoring -- My experience with MLMs left me thinking that I had to start my business from scratch. So, I went back to school, took some technical, certification courses, and tried my hand at cake decorating, party planning, and establishing a tutoring service. While I managed to make some money with every one of these "businesses", the truth is that they simply meant less time to spend with my family. Party Planning demanded nights and weekends. Cake decorating and bake sales meant hours in the kitchen, slaving over ovens and mixers. And tutoring meant leaving my girls in day care several additional hours each night.

Here's the answer!

One night, out of sheer desperation, I started looking for alternatives on the internet. I had just had one of the most heartbreaking experiences a mother can have. My baby had been trying to talk to me, and I was so exhausted and frustrated, I barked at her. When I realized what I had done, and how unfair I had been, I quickly apologized. She then looked me in the eyes and asked me why I was always so sad. That's when I decided something had to be done.

My online research led me through a series of disappointments and failures. But, I was so determined to make it work that I did not let any of them stop me. Finally, I encountered the possibility of becoming an internet entrepreneur. I now own my own business, which I can operate anytime, from anywhere in the world. I work every day with people who earn very significant incomes from the comfort of their own home. I help others gain freedom of time and resources, so they too can have time with kids. The best part, my girls have a happy mom whose always there for them.

So, invest in yourself. Believe in yourself! You can do it! Find a business that makes you feel passionate and empowered, then jump in with both feet. Time with kids IS possible, all you have to do is never give up!

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