Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

5 Things You Need to Know About Japanese Skin Care Products

Did you know that Japanese skin care products contain ingredients that are not only great for your skin, but good for your overall health as well? These days it is impossible to open a magazine or to watch television commercials for very long without coming across a celebrity or beautiful model touting a product that will turn back the clock and leave you with smooth, glowing skin.
Of course some of this is hype.
Many skin care products on the market contain ingredients which will coat the pores (such as petroleum) or dry the skin (such as petroleum based alcohol).
It's important to know what the products you are using really contain.
It has been said that you shouldn't put on your skin what you wouldn't eat.
This is because your skin is not only your largest organ, it is also permeable.
Meaning that what is on the surface passes through to your body.
So consider looking for a product that contains Phytessence Wakame, the beauty preserver.
A powerful antioxidant, it is derived from sea algae.
If you really want to have healthy, beautiful skin, here are 5 things you need to know about using Japanese skin care products: -According to the Cleveland Clinic, antioxidants are natural substances made up of vitamins and minerals which protect the body from sun damage and unstable compounds of pollution that attack human cells and damage DNA.
-The antioxidant from Japanese sea algae has long been prized for its high quality anti-aging properties.
-It is rich in calcium and other minerals, plus the B-group vitamins.
It contains 15 times more calcium than milk.
It is also rich in iron, potassium and sodium.
-As an antioxidant, it is both moisturizing and smoothing.
-It has been proven to increase elasticity, thus smoothing wrinkles.
-It helps to heal skin that is dry, irritated and inflamed.
Wakame, native to the Japanese Sea, is widely cultivated and is eaten both fresh and dried.
The Japanese value it for its healthy properties, including keeping the skin looking beautiful and young.
Knowing this age-old beauty secret of the Japanese, you may well be asking yourself, "Why aren't I using this Japanese skin care product? If you want to protect or restore your skin in its naturally healthy state, you will.

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