Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

A Quick Look Into The Adverse Result Of Obesity

The expenses to society in the US is staggering and approaches several hundred billion dollars yearly. What appears contradictory is the billions which are also used on fat loss products on a yearly basis. The US has been slowly gaining more weight with each passing year, or so it appears. Various culprits that only aggravate this situation are corporations that produce processed foods and unhealthy drinks. There is obviously no secret that so many foods consist of high sugar and fat content. We will discuss a few of the negative effects to health caused by being obese.

One of the most severe repercussions of obesity is type 2 diabetes, and more new cases appear annually. In the past, type 2 diabetes mostly developed in adults, but that has changed because more teens are medically obese. The starting point of diabetes comes about because research indicates a high link between insulin resistance and unhealthy weight. There is little question that years of eating high sugar content foods and drinks plays a significant role. One very unhealthy ingredient used in so many carbonated drinks is high fructose corn syrup. There is simply no comparison between high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar.

Early complications involving joints can often be a side effect of the obese state. Notably vulnerable joints include the knees and hips, and the reason behind that is they carry so much weight. Osteoarthritis is frequently seen in these situations as well due to joint damage. Patients with overwhelming weight problems do not always make for the best candidates for man-made joints. While millions of people get joint replacements, there is a greater chance for good results with typical weight conditions. Of course only a medical professional can make the final decision for those with excessive weight problems. If a joint is changed, what can generally occur are further side effects after the surgery. The increased weight may possibly cause the joint to start to be loose which often can further damage encircling bone.

There is elevated risk for developing blood pressure complications when a person is obese. The dilemma with acquiring so much weight is it significantly strains the entire body. The basis for this as it pertains to the cardiovascular system is the excess fat tissue still necessitates blood for nutrients and oxygen. The net impact is to put a terrific pressure on the heart due to the needs of the extra fat tissue. The high blood pressure is simply due to this extra demand brought on by the extra weight. There can also be a boost in the pulse rate as it functions in reply to all that demand.

It is extremely apparent that obesity is a condition that seriously impacts all capabilities of the body. There are many more similarly dangerous conditions that can easily be a consequence of an overweight condition.

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