Technology Networking & Internet

What are you doing on Twitter for free traffic?

If you are a webmaster and want to promote your site for free of cost, Twitter is one of the best ways to go for. Twitter is a social networking site that allows you to stay connected with your friends. It has become a great portal for free advertising for webmasters. But, unfortunately, many people don't know how to market their website on Twitter.

First of all, you need to know how Twitter works before you promote your site on Twitter. This applies to each area of SEO. Some people do not appreciate this method of promoting. But, if you spend significant amount of time on Twitter in order to see what works and what doesn't, you will see free traffic increased to your website.

Invite friends to follow you: Once you have set up your free account on Twitter, start inviting your fiends. This will also make friends of your friends to follow you. In this way, create a massive list of followers. More number of followers you have, more free traffic you get for your website.

Follow Twittizen in your niche:Find Twittizen profiles that are in your niche. Follow these Twittizen. Share some information like secrets in your niche, some helpful information that will make them pay attention to what you are twitting information. Build a good relation with your followers. Give away free information to your followers.
Follow the Twittizen whose profile is directly related to your niche and has more number of followers. This will also help you get more number of followers.

Get Feedback from Twittizen:Ask your followers to comment on your posts/articles. Ask them to leave feedback on posts. Post an interesting question that arouse curiosity and make them engage in twitting information. Find any way that will make your followers interact with twitting and also help building a good relationship with you.

These are just few basic rules to get free traffic from Twitter. I am sure; you will be able to drive free traffic to your site using these methods.

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