Health & Medical Diabetes

Alternative Diabetes Cure And Treatment

What is diabetes? Do we need to slash down our sugar intake?
That is why doctors advise diabetics to avoid sugar-rich foods inorderto prevent unhelpful reactions. Diabetics are hooked to a medical condition (known as diabetes) which forces a person to have to give up sugars. On the other hand, some conditions of diabetes are the other way around. It is a disease where the pancreas(a part of digestive organ)is unable to secrete enough insulin. The condition also attributes for an enormous public health and social burden.

There are 3 main types of diabetes- Type 1,Type 2,and Gestational diabetes. If not properly attended to,the Type-1 diabetes condition may become so persistent that it could even lead other organ malfunctions and complications. One needs to be extra careful with your favorite foods or snacks,because even though sugar tastes good,too much of it will make us sick. Gestational diabetes may occur in women age 25 years or older, although some women have greater risks in developing gestational diabetes. These are the types of the disease and each one differs with their own characteristic and occurrences.

Oral medications can be used in managing type 2 diabetes also. For type 1 diabetes, advances in blood sugar monitoring,a doctor approved diet, exercise, and insulin delivery have simplified the daily routine of controlling or preventing the condition from becoming worse. Take maintenance medicine if necessary even when you feel good and get a routine check up to avoid problems. Practice self discipline to make sure your care plan works.

Though this could mean future medication, there are other ways in which alternative diabetes cures could help you. Some people are encouraged to try homeopathic remedies,in part,to curb the high cost of prescription medicines. Studies have also shown that marine phytoplankton(a source of Omega 3 fats) may enhance our immune system and could lessen the effect of the damage the disease inflicts on the patient. If diabetes is not treated correctly, it could lead to complications like renal failure, impotence, hypoglycemia and a breakdown in the body's nervous system. When our body malfunctions or suddenly experiences any abnormality, it may only conclude that there is something wrong within. Marine Phytoplankton may also help to bring back the functionality of our cells by making tissues that have the ability to detoxify the lane through the intestines, kidneys, skin and liver.

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