Where Can I Find Free Gospel Sheet Music for the Banjo?
- Banjo Hangout is an excellent website to find free gospel banjo sheet music. Here you'll find classic gospel tunes such as "Amazing Grace," "Shall We Gather at The River" and more current favorites such as "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High."
www.banjohangout.org - Mike Iverson's banjo tab page carries tablature for a very specific kind of banjo, the clawhammer. Clawhammer music and tabs can be very difficult to find online, but Mike's page features dozens of songs arranged for this instrument. His selection includes some gospel favorites such as "A Place in the Choir," or "Down to the Valley to Pray."
www.bluesageband.com - Chordie is one of the best sites on the web for tabs and chords to all of your favorite gospel tunes (and any other song you can imagine). When you find the song you are searching for, it will appear as guitar chords. Simply click the drop down menu on the right, select your banjo type, and your song will be adjusted to show banjo chords and tabs. You can also use the drop down menu just below the instrument selection to adjust the key of the song.