Business & Finance Bankruptcy

10 Surefire Ways To Get Yourself Into Major Debt And Get Your Home Repossessed!

So, you want to be repossessed? Here are my top 10 tips for getting your property repossessed.
(and hopefully by doing the opposite, you can avoid it!)
  1. Buy a house, any house.
    Don't waste time worrying about how on earth you will pay for the thing or whether it is within your budget - as long as you can get the mortgage, just buy it!!
  2. Next, apply for 5 or so credit cards, get the highest limit you can on each one.
    Don't forget to get a nice picture on the front of it - a sad puppy maybe, or a sports car (you know, the kind you will never be able to afford once you have really got yourself into debt!)
  3. Wait for the credit cards to arrive, and kit your new home out with luxury items which you don't need.
    If you start to feel guilty, just tell yourself it makes the place feel more homely!
  4. If you can't pay the mortgage, use one of your credit cards, reassure yourself that there isn't really a problem here, and something will come up which will miraculously fix the problem.
  5. If you can't pay the credit card bills, simply withdraw some cash out of the one credit card you still have credit on and pay the bills with that.
    Don't forget to enjoy the bank charge for withdrawing the cash too!
  6. Don't cut the cards up, just use them to the max, baby!
  7. Ignore all letters which look like that may be from lenders falling through your letter box.
    They will only want money, and you don't have that.
    Find yourself a sandpit and bury your head in it!
  8. If you really want to get repossessed, then make no attempt whatsoever to contact the creditors.
    This could put you in danger of working out a solution to the problem.
  9. Pack your bags and wait for them to come and evict you.
    Scream like a wild animal as you are forced out of your own home.
  10. Go and knock on your mum's door with your tail between your legs and ask her to take you in.
    Congratulations! You have successfully been repossessed!
Alternatively!! (and much more desirable) Learn to be good with money.
Don't live beyond your means.
Take life one step at a time, there is no rush to buy a flashy expensive house in order to prove something to the world.
Imagine how you will feel when that home is being repossessed.
Living beyond your means will never lead to a life of luxury, only humiliation and a life of poverty being a slave to making debt repayments.
In all seriousness, if you have been repossessed, or are about to be repossessed, don't despair.
You are in control of your own life and you can pick yourself back up again.
Treat this experience as a learning curve - as I did.
I actually believe that a little bit of poverty and hardship is a good foundation for making yourself make something of your life no matter what age you are or what your circumstances are.
By having been there and got the t shirt, you actually learn to appreciate the true value of money and give yourself aspiration to improve your quality of living.
Although this article is entitled '10 surefire ways to get yourself into major debt and get your home repossessed!' I am in no way recommending you seriously do this! I'm merely highlighting just how easy it is to get yourself into such a dire situation, and hopefully give you a warning if you are already half way down the list to take action now and turn your life around for good.
Build yourself some good major assets.
Assets are not residential homes which you live in which cost you your hard earned cash every month.
True assets give you cash each and every month just for being there - whether it be a low cost to set up, but highly successful website earning you income, an eBay shop which is truly running in profit or any other business which is really making you a profit every month.
Experiment, and don't take risks.
Don't spend money you don't have - find an alternative (free) way to advertise for example.
Make something of yourself and one day you truly will have the CASH to buy those luxuries which will be 100% owned outright by you.
No hiding when the phone rings, no more dreading the postman.
Take action and take control.
You only have one life - live it to the max in its true form, not on credit! If you are facing repossession, an option you may consider is to take a step to avoid this by selling your property if you cannot afford it and using the equity you do have in it to pay off your debts to give yourself a fresh slate.
If you have a pending repossession order, you may not have time to sell through an estate agent, in which case a cash property buyer may be a better alternative.
The company I run specializes in helping people in situations such as this.
Please take a look at my signature below for details.
Whatever happens with your life - make the most of it.
Don't be dragged down by credit cards and the like.
Learn from the mistakes of people like me who have experienced it all at the tender age of 19 and have still pulled myself up from off the floor and pushed myself to make a success of my life.
I hope my experience saves you the trouble and you don't have to learn the hard way like I did! Here's to your future happiness, health and wealth!

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