Want a Good Impression? Make a Clean Impression!
Like they say, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression!" That first visit really counts -- what can you do to make the best first impression? That first impression is your first chance to sell your house -- and your first chance to lose the sale! Sure, you may have that neat deck, plenty of bedrooms and baths, new counter-tops -- but if things don't appear attractive from the beginning, your prospects will never really see the features of the house.
Just like a news story, you don't to bury the important points deep in the text -- you want things right up front where people see them right away.
So how do you make the best impression? Make a CLEAN impression! What do prospects see when they drive up? Does the lawn need mowing? Do your bushes and trees need pruning? The garden need mulch? Do you have old, rusty-dusty lawn furniture on your porch? Clean things up -- this is the first thing prospects see when they visit your house! Okay, they're out the car and walking up to your house.
What does your front door look like? Scratches? Old, weathered paint or stain? Cobwebs? Yep, clean things up! Okay, they made it in the house -- what do they see when they open closets? Clutter? Closets full of clothes, vacuum cleaners, old junk? Move these things out -- either toss, bring to a local charity, or store at an external storage location (like a rented storage locker).
Things that are cluttered don't look spacious.
BTW -- this counts for the furniture in your house as well.
Move unnecessary furniture out to that rented storage locker.
You want your decorating to look sparse, not full.
Empty bookshelves look more spacious and attractive than full bookshelves.
While you're "pruning" your furnishings, consider your garage, too! Look around -- and look up, too.
Any discolored spots from old water leaks in the ceiling? Clean these up! When you're cleaning your bathrooms, consider re-caulking the tub, shower, and sink areas.
New paint looks better than old paint -- and new caulk looks better than old caulk! When you're de-cluttering, don't forget medicine cabinets, shower and grooming items, cleaning items under the sinks and near your laundry area.
Finally, you want prospects to be able to SEE your home.
Make sure all your light bulbs are fresh and working.
Maybe up the wattage a bit if you're able to -- dim and dark rooms are not as attractive as bright rooms.
If you're interested in selling your home in Montgomery County, Texas, please give us a visit at http://www.
com -- we also have many more real estate tips for you!
Just like a news story, you don't to bury the important points deep in the text -- you want things right up front where people see them right away.
So how do you make the best impression? Make a CLEAN impression! What do prospects see when they drive up? Does the lawn need mowing? Do your bushes and trees need pruning? The garden need mulch? Do you have old, rusty-dusty lawn furniture on your porch? Clean things up -- this is the first thing prospects see when they visit your house! Okay, they're out the car and walking up to your house.
What does your front door look like? Scratches? Old, weathered paint or stain? Cobwebs? Yep, clean things up! Okay, they made it in the house -- what do they see when they open closets? Clutter? Closets full of clothes, vacuum cleaners, old junk? Move these things out -- either toss, bring to a local charity, or store at an external storage location (like a rented storage locker).
Things that are cluttered don't look spacious.
BTW -- this counts for the furniture in your house as well.
Move unnecessary furniture out to that rented storage locker.
You want your decorating to look sparse, not full.
Empty bookshelves look more spacious and attractive than full bookshelves.
While you're "pruning" your furnishings, consider your garage, too! Look around -- and look up, too.
Any discolored spots from old water leaks in the ceiling? Clean these up! When you're cleaning your bathrooms, consider re-caulking the tub, shower, and sink areas.
New paint looks better than old paint -- and new caulk looks better than old caulk! When you're de-cluttering, don't forget medicine cabinets, shower and grooming items, cleaning items under the sinks and near your laundry area.
Finally, you want prospects to be able to SEE your home.
Make sure all your light bulbs are fresh and working.
Maybe up the wattage a bit if you're able to -- dim and dark rooms are not as attractive as bright rooms.
If you're interested in selling your home in Montgomery County, Texas, please give us a visit at http://www.
com -- we also have many more real estate tips for you!