Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Pimples and Wrinkles

Boy does it suck when the two do meet.
You'd imagine that after forty, pimples are history.
A woman should have left zits behind long ago.
Pimples belong to teens.
Not to grown ups.
Certainly not to mature women.
We older women already have to contend with the appearance of fine lines on our faces which everyone dreads with the advancing of age.
When you have both pimples and wrinkles, treat the pimples first.
Clear your skin.
Whatever antiaging skincare you are using can wait.
Switch to skincare meant for sensitive, oily, acne prone skin for the time being, to give your skin a chance to clear completely.
Can you trace back what triggered the acne outbreak? Is it a change in the environment? Stress? Actually, in older women who don't normally get acne, stress is often the culprit.
Dust can irritate your skin and a polluted environment can cause pores to get congested.
All clogged up with dust and sebum which leads to acne.
A friend of mine developed acne after trying some free skincare sample that came with a magazine.
That outbreak took a year to clear.
Track down what causes the pimples and avoid it like plague in future.
Now take care of the problem.
A trip to the doctor should do the trick.
The doctor can prescribe a course of antibiotics that kills the acne bacteria and clears your skin.
Besides pills, creams or lotions that contain ingredients like retin-A or sulphur which are very effective in clearing away the pimples.
You may wish to revisit your skincare regime.
Acne starts with blocked pores.
Is there anything you are using that is clogging up your pores? Many anti-aging creams are too rich for oily skin and often clog the pores.
If your skin is acne prone, stick to skincare meant for oily skin.
Noncomedogenic skincare does not clog the pores and are a better bet if your skin is prone to pimples.

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