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The Secret of Winning Online Roulette

There are no real roulette secrets, there are certainly no guaranteed ways to win at online roulette. However there are many people who pretend they know these secrets and will share them with you. Strange really, call me selfish if you like but if I had a secret to win at online roulette, I'd keep it a secret and well I'd keep winning.

I play a lot of roulette and have for many years, I don't profess to being an expert but I know quite a bit about it. I know for instance that the many gambling systems don't work here's some background to them.

Gamblers Fallacy

Nearly all the plausible looking gambling systems are usually based on the gamblers or monte carlo fallacy. The gamblers fallacy is the incorrect belief that previous events have some bearing on the next event. Using some dodgy mathematics they'll somehow change the odds of a red or black coming up on the wheel. The easiest way to illustrate the gamblers fallacy which incidentally has been losing gamblers money for centuries is this -

If red came up 6 times in a row on the spin of a roulette wheel. What is the most likely next colour to be spun, do the odds favour red or black? The gamblers fallacy is used to build systems based on the assumption that black is more likely to come up. It sounds plausible, I mean after 6 reds surely black will come up next time however gambling would be so easy if the gamblers fallacy was true. The fact is that there are equal chances of black or red being spun what's happened in the past has absolutely no bearing on future probabilities the odds are still 50/50 (minus the zeros).

The most famous system based on this fallacy is called the martingale and it has also been around for a couple of hundred years. In the martingale you keep making the same bet (e.g black) until you win, but if you lose you must double your stake and keep doubling it until you win. It works on the assumption above that the probability of you losing each time somehow decreases if you keep making the same bet but alas it doesn't.

The doubling stake means that the Martingale can quickly get very expensive and although you can win with luck (just as you can by playing randomly) it is a very risky way of making small profits for potentially high risk.

If you want to play against the true odds of a totally random online roulette game, you'll need to try one of the excellent live online roulette games.In my opinion they are much more fun than the ordinary computer generated roulette games which I find rather boring after a while and they'd be even less incentive to use misleading roulette secrets to lose online.

If you want an online casino experience that is not controlled by a computer algorithm, read about my favourite online casino below.

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