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Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing By Mastering This One Strategy - Even Newbies Can Do This

It is possible to fill a large library with all the courses, tips eBooks etc being offered by so called gurus and marketing experts promising you huge riches by making money online with affiliate marketing.
Sure most of these people have made money, lots of money and do you know how? By selling programs on how to make money through affiliate marketing, yup they are selling dreams and very few have actually made money in the way their programs allege to teach you.
There are some who are reputable, well a few, OK only two names readily spring to mind but more of them later what infuriates me about this whole business is the lack of emphasis placed on what is the single most important factor to affiliate marketing success.
So what is this factor, choice of affiliate program, choice of blog or web site, promote using PPC Article Marketing or AdWords, no it is none of these.
KEYWORDS Yes your choice of keywords or keyword phrase is going to be the make or break of your success as an affiliate.
The problem for all budding marketers is that you cannot just choose a good sounding keyword or one you think is relevant to the product you are representing, the market decides which keyword will ensure you success.
Let me expound on that statement.
The markets are flooded with people in your position promoting the very same products you will probably select.
Usually the first port of call is ClickBank you sign up to a likely looking product, get all the promotion materials and off you go with high hopes of loads of sales, I know because I have been there.
You now face huge competition and your competitors already have established web sites that include their keyword and thus they have a huge advantage over new entrants.
To compete with them you must get an edge, a unique advantage of your own and you do this by finding a keyword (phrase) for which a domain name is available and statistics suggest will be relatively easy to rank for.
This is where the hard work begins.
Let me give you one piece of advice I have learned the hard way, do not sign up for an affiliate program unless you can firstly find suitable keywords you can rank for, you are wasting your time otherwise.
You will need to choose a market, or product, with which to begin your initial research but establish that there are suitable keywords before going further.
I said earlier that the market decides whether a keyword is good or not, this is perfectly true but you have to dig mighty hard to find these gems, or golden keywords.
Your cause is not helped by the fact that keyword research tools are notoriously inaccurate so you are advised to use more than one and take a view on the results.
Don't despair the results may not always be 100% accurate but they will give you a good guide to the number of people searching for a particular keyword.
Despite its inaccuracy start with the Google free AdWords tool, just type "free AdWords tool" into the Google search bar and load the keyword tool.
From your initial research you will have identified a market or product you wish to investigate, say learn Spanish so type this into the search box, click on "advanced options" and select all countries.
You can then filter your results by selecting from the drop down box "Global monthly results, the ">+" sign and enter a figure of 2,500 as you would not be interested in a lower search number than that.
Click on "+ Add another" and choose Global monthly results "<=" 7,500.
Apart from the first result line you will then get a return of Global searches between 2,500 and 7,500.
Finally, in the left panel under "Match Types" uncheck the Broad box and check the "Phrase" box, this will give you a more realistic result.
The phrase Learn Spanish has over 300,000 results and you will never rank for this so work your way down the list and click on a phrase you think is a bit more obscure, say "Learn Spanish Verbs" and this will take you to a Google page showing the number of competing pages, in this case almost 1,200,000.
Enclose the phrase in quotation marks click on search and this will show you the number of competing pages for the actual phrase, In this case over 20,000.
Now these figures are probably too high and you will struggle to rank for them and the real hard work now begins to find a keyword phrase that I suggest has more than 3,000 global searches per month, as shown by the Google AdWords tool, and has less than 15,000 competing web pages.
When you find one that satisfies this criteria the task is not over because you now must examine the strength of your competition on Google page 1, because that is where you must be to make any money.
By strength of competition I mean here the Page Rank (PR) as determined by Google and if you have SEO Quake this figure can be found under the text of each page, you can also find it in the Firefox toolbar when you load each site.
Total the PR's of the top ten sites and if your total is fewer than 20 you have a potential winner, 20-30 looking good but over 30 and you could struggle to outrank them.
OK take a breather as I know that is a load of information to absorb and you have only just begun, SEO is next but I will leave that for another article.
You will also need to deal with product selection, web site or blog set up, content for your site, traffic generation, and the list goes on.
It is for this very reason I do not recommend subscribing to any of the programs on offer, to find your way through this maze you need a mentor, not any mentor but one who is wholly trustworthy, I discuss this further below.
I did say at the opening that you can make money online with affiliate marketing but you must master this one strategy of keyword selection because if you get it wrong you will never rank, there will be no traffic thus no sales.
It can be done, even Newbies can do it, but it is a long and hard road, however, nothing is for nothing in this life and if you find a golden keyword you really will hit pay dirt, you will then certainly make lots of money online with affiliate marketing.
Thank you for reading this article.

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