Technology Networking & Internet

Tips, Tricks and Helpful Information on Using Facebook

Facebook Games

The popularity of the Facebook developer's network has turned the social network into a platform for social games. And because of the social integration, these games can be quite fun and addicting. Who wouldn't want to find that old boyfriend from high school and sick a gang of thugs on them or find an ex-girlfriend and turn them into a vampire? These Facebook tips include some cheats to popular games so that you won't have to hear your best friend brag about how much better their farms are doing in Farmville.

Facebook Bewares

It's not all fun and games on Facebook. As with any social website, the popularity has led to a new market for digital criminals, and Facebook helps them by providing a new audience. It is always important to safeguard yourself when on the web, and these quick tips should help you navigate potential issues.

Facebook Hoaxes

Another facet of popularity is the amount of misinformation that springs up about the subject, and Facebook is no different. There have been a number of myths and hoaxes about the social network. So what is true and what is a hoax?

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