Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

Finder"s Fee - A Home Based Business For Under $100

Few businesses can be started without taking out a second mortgage on your home or at least seriously denting your credit card balance. The beauty of home based businesses that can be run from your home over the internet is the ease of entry and the low cost of setting up chop. One of the least expensive home based businesses that you can setup if you have the nose for finding things is the becoming a professional finder and earning finders fees for putting buyers and sellers together.

Most people cringe at the idea of having to sell something to someone and having to cold call prospects over the phone. Therein lays the beauty of the professional finder. You do NO selling and no cold calls; you are basically connecting people that are looking for an item to the people that have the item. Very few people have the patience or the time to spend countless hours looking for an item.

Even large companies spend very little time exploring the possibilities of reducing their costs by finding better deals. And you are not limited to your city, state or even country. With today's multi-national companies and the possibility for Globalization the possibilities for your finder business is limitless. This is literally a business model that can be started for less then $100

If you are the tenacious type and have the ability to find bargains then this just might be the ticket for you to financial independence. Even small deals like finding a collectible dagger or WW2 helmet may bring you a few thousand dollars from a collector unable or unfamiliar with the search process. Professional Finders are not limited to finding lost loves or multi million dollar items, it is a vast world and millions of companies are at your feet when you develop the ability to find the unfindable.

A key ingredient in the finders business is not only finding what is being sought, but after you find it you need to make sure that the credit and fee gets retrieved also. You need to get paid for your efforts or your time will have been in vain. You never introduce the seller to the buyer without first getting a finders agreement in place, and the best place to learn all the tip and tricks based on decades of experience is...

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