Pets & Animal Pets Fish

Fish Aquariums and Skin Diseases

Let's face it, having a fish aquarium in your home is a pretty wonderful thing.
Having said that it might surprise you to know that recent research and studies show that there is a certain risk of skin infections for those who are enthusiasts for fish aquariums.
Infection in humans are generally due to Mycobacterium marinum.
It can survive in both the fresh water and salt water.
Also, it is found in most parts of the world.
It was also considered to be responsible for skin infection outbreaks in swimming pools.
It was because of this reason that strict measures were taken for pool cleanliness and disinfection.
Mycobactarium marinum couldn't survive in a water tank that is well chlorinated.
These human infections are typically associated with trauma.
These are particularly caused because of cuts and abrasions through fish spines or like.
These injuries are typically confined to the arms and hands of marine workers.
Mycobacterium marinum is a type of bacterium that doesn't grow very well at body temperature.
But they are also observed to be there in fish aquariums.
These infections take some time to develop and multiply.
It is much very common in children than in adults.
There are few methods to prevent it: - Using gloves when handling fish or cleaning fish aquariums - Avoid fresh or salt water when you are have open cuts.
- When you have to clean fish, wear heavy leather gloves so as to avoid cuts from their sharp spines.
Hopefully these precaution will mean you can enjoy fish aquariums for a long time and not have any nasty infections.

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