Technology Programming

What Makes a Good Logo?

A black swoosh, a golden arc, or an apple - for people, they are more than just symbols; they are brands. These symbols, called logos, have a profound effect on how customers relate to certain brands. It is not unusual for people to remember a brand not by its name, but by its logo. This strong association has led brand makers to believe that having an effective logo makes all the difference when it comes to advertising and brand retention. If that indeed is the case, then it becomes imperative for companies to ponder over the million dollar question: What makes a good logo? Well, the trick is to keep things simple. After all, making a good logo is not rocket science. Sticking to the basics has helped some companies create some of the most memorable logos we have ever seen. Here are a few tips that can help you find the right logo for your brand.

Be Simple

Trying too hard to look fancy can make things worse for companies. A good logo always says something about what the company is (and what it is not). Let your logo represent what you are and what you do. Most of the times, simplicity does what complexity cannot. Hence it is often best to keep things simple and close to the core.

Be Memorable

Always attack the sweet spot. Ask yourself: What is it that makes customers remember you? It could be anything; from a little butterfly on your logo design to that bold pink color scheme. As long as it grabs the customers' attention and lingers in their memories, you have found yourself a logo that works.

Be Adaptable

Your logo should have the same effect through different mediums. For instance, it should look as compelling in print as it does on social media. This allows brands to send across a consistent and compelling impact. Similarly, it is helpful if the logo design renders itself to resizing to different scales. The same goes for colors. The logo should still look like itself even if it is reproduced in black and white. This helps the logo to be included on multiple mediums which helps considerably in brand retention. Having discussed a few tips, it should be said that there is no hard and fast rule in making a good logo. What works for one brand may not work for another. Focusing on what suits your company and doing justice to it by keeping it simple is always the foundation for effective logo making.

Be You

The worst thing a company can do is imitate another brand's logo or design. It is commercial suicide. Not only would you be caught sooner or later, but your brand can also lose its credibility among customers. Keeping things original stands a far greater chance of connecting with customers than using someone else's formula. Let's face it, would you like to buy your sports apparel from a company that has double swooshes in its logo? Perhaps not.

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