Services of Abortion Clinics
Abortion Clinics should be your first choice after you have decided on getting an abortion as these clinics provide the patient with the best facilities. You can easily opt for the different services offered by these clinics. These Clinics have provided women with a great option.
The following are the list of facilities provided by an Abortion Clinic to a patient on a regular basis
1.Medical abortion or Abortion Pill: Medical abortion is the preferred termination of pregnancy in the first few weeks of pregnancy as the pregnancy can be terminated by intake of medications. This is done with the help of abortion pills that is available in this clinic. You can have a medical abortion after 8 weeks after your menstrual period. The clinic would ask you to sign documents that give your agreement to the abortion clinic to perform an in-clinic abortion in case the medical procedure is not successful.
2.In-Clinic Abortion: In-clinic abortion is done during the second trimester and usually after the medical termination of pregnancy has been unsuccessful. This procedure requires the patient to stay at the clinic and you would be provided with the necessary care during and after the in-clinic procedure. In-Clinic procedures are minimally invasive procedures with a few risks, but it is sometimes really important that you have an in-clinic procedure to make sure that all the pregnancy tissue is removed from the uterus. A follow up exam is scheduled after a week or two to make sure that the in-clinic procedure has been successful.
3.Morning-After pill: The morning after pill is available in the clinic which is the best emergency contraceptive that is available to make sure that you do not get pregnant. The morning-after pill works best when taken 72 hours to five days of having unprotected coitus. Morning-after pill is preferred by most women these days as it has minimum side effects when compared to other types of emergency contraceptives.
4.Counseling: Abortion is a very emotional process and to make sure that you cope well with this important decision counseling is required. Clinics provide with counseling that makes it easy for patients to overcome their guilt and low feeling after going through this procedure. Counseling plays a vital role in clinics, so it is important that a patient whether feeling remorseful or not about the procedure should have a session with the counselor as it would be quite helpful.
5.Contraception: the abortion clinic would also advise you regarding the various contraceptives that are available that you can make use of to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. If you are planning to use an IUD or an Intra Uterine Device, it can be inserted soon after the in-clinic procedure is done, so make sure that you specify that to your health care provider in the abortion clinic. Hormonal pills, Diaphragm, cervical cap, condoms, spermicides and female condoms are also available with the clinics, so decide on the type of contraceptive you prefer and get it at with great ease and convenience these clinics.
The following are the list of facilities provided by an Abortion Clinic to a patient on a regular basis
1.Medical abortion or Abortion Pill: Medical abortion is the preferred termination of pregnancy in the first few weeks of pregnancy as the pregnancy can be terminated by intake of medications. This is done with the help of abortion pills that is available in this clinic. You can have a medical abortion after 8 weeks after your menstrual period. The clinic would ask you to sign documents that give your agreement to the abortion clinic to perform an in-clinic abortion in case the medical procedure is not successful.
2.In-Clinic Abortion: In-clinic abortion is done during the second trimester and usually after the medical termination of pregnancy has been unsuccessful. This procedure requires the patient to stay at the clinic and you would be provided with the necessary care during and after the in-clinic procedure. In-Clinic procedures are minimally invasive procedures with a few risks, but it is sometimes really important that you have an in-clinic procedure to make sure that all the pregnancy tissue is removed from the uterus. A follow up exam is scheduled after a week or two to make sure that the in-clinic procedure has been successful.
3.Morning-After pill: The morning after pill is available in the clinic which is the best emergency contraceptive that is available to make sure that you do not get pregnant. The morning-after pill works best when taken 72 hours to five days of having unprotected coitus. Morning-after pill is preferred by most women these days as it has minimum side effects when compared to other types of emergency contraceptives.
4.Counseling: Abortion is a very emotional process and to make sure that you cope well with this important decision counseling is required. Clinics provide with counseling that makes it easy for patients to overcome their guilt and low feeling after going through this procedure. Counseling plays a vital role in clinics, so it is important that a patient whether feeling remorseful or not about the procedure should have a session with the counselor as it would be quite helpful.
5.Contraception: the abortion clinic would also advise you regarding the various contraceptives that are available that you can make use of to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. If you are planning to use an IUD or an Intra Uterine Device, it can be inserted soon after the in-clinic procedure is done, so make sure that you specify that to your health care provider in the abortion clinic. Hormonal pills, Diaphragm, cervical cap, condoms, spermicides and female condoms are also available with the clinics, so decide on the type of contraceptive you prefer and get it at with great ease and convenience these clinics.