Homemade Aquarium Braces With Thick Acrylic
- 1). Remove the protective film attached to each of the acrylic braces.
- 2). Sand down the edges of each piece of acrylic. Do not round the edges, or you will weaken the join.
- 3). Wipe down each piece with a clean cloth and lay them on the towel.
- 4). Fill a 15cc syringe with acrylic solvent.
- 5). Source a styrofoam or cardboard box that is 1 inch shorter than the height of your acrylic aquarium and approximately as long as the width of the aquarium.
- 6). Place this container into the aquarium, against the right-hand side.
- 7). Draw up approximately 15 cc of acrylic solvent into the syringe and with the bevel of the needle pointing down, quickly run a continuous bead of solvent along the side edges of one length and both width sides of the first 10-inch-long brace.
- 8). Place the brace horizontally onto the container and push the brace against the aquarium. Allow the solvent to cure for 12 hours.
- 9). Remove the container and position it in the aquarium, along the left-hand side.
- 10
Run a continuous bead of solvent along the side edges of one length and both width sides of the second 10-inch-long brace. - 11
Place the brace horizontally onto the container and push the brace against the aquarium. Allow the solvent to cure for 12 hours. - 12
Run a continuous bead of solvent along the side edges of one length and both width sides of the first 24-inch-long brace. - 13
Rest this brace on the existing right and left hand side braces and push it against the front pane of the aquarium. Allow the solvent to cure for 12 hours. - 14
Run a continuous bead of solvent along the side edges of one length and both width sides of the second 24-inch-long brace. - 15
Rest this brace on the existing right and left-hand side braces and push it against the back pane of the aquarium. Allow the solvent to cure for 12 hours.