Business & Finance Corporations

Receive the unsecured finance for your business with the business cash advances

With the changing business environment, where there is increasing competition and new technologies being implemented, the need of finance is very much essential. The business firms are constantly in need of funds for the maintenance of regular cash flow, for working capital, renovation or expansion or meeting any emergency contingencies. The option of business loan is very traditional and rigid. The procedure takes on months to fulfill and by the time the loan is received, you have already paid huge costs. The business cash advances, help in fulfillment of the overall business requirement. The below mentioned points will help to understand the use of business cash advances in development and growth of your business firm.

What is a business cash advance?

The business cash advance is based on the concept of future credit sale of the merchant. It is the payment in lieu of the merchant's future credit sale. The amount is repaid through small fixed percent being reverted to the business cash advances provider, and thus helping you receive an unsecured small business loan alternative.

What is the eligibility for securing business cash advances?

For the eligibility of the business cash advances you will have to fulfill the following criteria:
  • The business should be based within the country
  • The business must accept the debit and credit card (Visa/ MasterCard) as mode of payments from the clients.
  • The minimum monthly credit or debit sales should be $5000.

What are the advantages of the business cash advances over other business loans?
  • Through the business cash advances one is eligible for receiving funds up to $250000. You can apply for multiple loans for multiple stores.
  • The repayment is done as and when the income is generated. No fixed amount or schedule is there for the repayment, but in case of the other small business loan, you will have to pay a specific amount with the specified time, or penalty or other fees may be imposed.
  • The poor credit score is accepted in the business cash advances. The business loans are rejected if you have poor credit score.
  • You are not liable to pay any bill or file tax and finance returns.
  • No hidden charge is deducted in the business cash advances; whereas in the business loans huge deductions are made without the prior knowledge of the merchant and the merchant have no knowledge for the same. .
  • In the business cash advances the approval is received within 24 hours.
  • You are not required to pay any application fees, start up cost or any such other charges.
  • No requirement of security collateral and personal guarantee, it is complete unsecured business finance alternative
  • There is approx 95% approval in the business cash advances segment
  • Use the funds as per your business needs.

What is the use of business cash advances in the small business growth and development?
  • Use the fund for advertisement and other promotional activities for sales generation.
  • Expansion and remodeling you business.
  • Meeting the emergency business contingencies of your business.
  • Avail bulk discounts in your purchases.
  • Maintaining working capital and cash flow regularity in the business.
  • Maintaining salary cash flow

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