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How does honest HYIP monitor work?

HYIP monitor and HYIP monitoring system - how it works?

In this article I want to point out some principles of honest HYIP monitoring that in my opinion each HYIP monitor must adhere to.

Firstly, HYIP monitor mustn't use his website name or url during HYIP investment. It will not let the admin of investment program make selective payments. The investment should be done by parts from different accounts with different usernames. Just observing this rule HYIP monitor will have 100% truthful and reliable informaton about the HYIP status.

Secondly, HYIP monitor must reinvest the principal after the investment period ends. The interest received earned during HYIP investment is the profit of the monitor; but the principal must be reinvested as many times, as it is required until program turns into a scam. In case HYIP monitor admin receives his principal back and sees that the program has "Not-paying" status in other monitors, he must make investment despite this fact. In other case it will turn out that HYIP monitor depends on the information received from other monitors, so his HYIP monitoring services are useless. The typical example of such a case are unprofessional actions and staements of A day he had to do the reinvestment admin of this HYIP monitor has noticed that another monitor had set the "Non-paying" status to HYIP. The admin of GSmonitor decided to own money received from HYIP and in addition removed all advertisement of this program without having evidences that this program is SCAM. You can check this story yourself here:

Another type of HYIP monitor admin's unprofessional behavior is moving the program into a SCAM section in case it has ordered the advertisement from resources that are his competitors or whose activity was not approved by him. You can see the example here: admin has moved Oilstructure into a SCAM section while the program was paying because they have ordered advertisement at the website that was not approved by admin. At the same time they didn't mention in their Terms Of Services (by the way, there are no TOS at that HYIP can't advertise on this website. The admin of had simply run away with money=)

Honest HYIP monitor will never accept so-called HYIP monitoring bonuses. HYIP monitoring bonus is a donation to small HYIP monitor for setting "Paying" status to non-paying program. In this case monitor doesn't invest any funds in the program, so it provides unverified and very often false information about HYIP. HYIP monitoring bonuses are usually given by non-paying HYIPs that promise for example 300% after 1 minute =).

Also the honest monitor will never list or advertise the programs that belong to him in his own HYIP monitor!

In case monitor adheres to all described rules, it can be considered honest, and all information placed in it is 100% reliable and truthful.

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