Health & Medical Health Care

Urinary Incontinence - Google Your Way to Dryness?

Are you having a brush with urinary incontinence? Is this the first time? If it is, then you probably have little knowledge of just what it is and what can be done because incontinence is rarely a subject of discussion among family much less friends.
Your first stop ought to be to your doctor's office because incontinence by itself is not a disease but a symptom of some other problem.
A doctor can diagnose the type of incontinence you suffer from and recommend a treatment therapy which might be as simple as behavior modification.
Your doctor is the best source of information for your specific case of urinary incontinence but there is another source that can give you some great general knowledge of the condition and that's the internet.
It seems that we turn to the information highway for almost everything from looking up driving instructions to buying a house so it doesn't come as a big surprise that it has info on incontinence.
However, incontinence has always been kind of a taboo subject with an embarrassing stigma attached to it so it is somewhat surprising at both the number of sites offering advice and the quality of that advice.
A university in Norway actually did a study on internet sites offering advice on incontinence and discovered a few interesting facts.
They identified 102 sites consisting of web doctors, news groups and general sites and found that all of them had a great deal of general information on incontinence but almost none of them went into any kind of depth on the subject.
With that finding, they were really surprised when they sent emails to the site asking for help and advice on a specific incontinence problem and got responses from over two thirds of the sites, half of them responding in less than 24 hours.
Further they found that several sites responded with lengthy recommendations that the researchers deemed excellent.
So while on the surface the sites offered "incontinence lite" information when requested they offered expert advice.
Urinary incontinence does not have to change the way you live.
There are effective treatments and there are products that will allow you to function in public without fear of an accident.
Just get the information and take action.

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