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Playing Sit And Go Poker

Sit and go poker is a type of play where there is no set time to start the game. It is usually a one-table game, considered as playing a miniature poker tournament. Recently, though, some sites have added multi-table Sit n Go tournaments to their repertoire of games. Players say that sit and go's are actually easier to play and that one has a bigger chance of winning here than any other type of game or tournament. The game basically starts when there are about eleven players (can be more or less, depending on the tourney rules) who have signed up for the tournament. In sit and go's, players are each given the same amount of chips.

Why Sit N Go's Are Popular

Playing this kind of poker game is good practice for all players, especially beginners since the game requires a small amount of money so losing is not as painful as losing in big-bet games. Here are a couple of other reasons why Sit n Go's are popular in poker:

1. Minimum cash outlay. As previously mentioned, sit and go's don't require players to bet high since the betting stakes are pre-determined most of the time. Plus, even with your small investment, you could go home with the big bucks. It's almost a win-win situation, except for the small amount you could end up losing.

2. Good practice. Small-time games such as this are a good way to learn your way around. Some of the best players participate in SnG's because they have either gambled away most of their money; or they want the less-stressful kind of poker.

3. Going big-time. Sit and go games sometimes are organized as the elimination process for the bigger games. It's a qualifying game for a bigger tournament. Your winnings in the sit and go games are your ticket for big-betting games.

Sit N Go: Short and Sweet

These kinds of games, mostly played in a little over an hour, are a good way to not only learn the tricks of the game but also as a starting point before going national, so to speak. Remember that by starting small and learning your way up, you get an almost always sure-fire way to earning a seat at a big tournament's table " maybe even the World Series of Poker.

Some Strategy

There are actually books on playing Sit N Go poker that can give players strategies and hone their skills for the game. If books are expensive, there are articles, forum discussions and blogs about everything you need to know about poker. The only thing you have to remember is to read the moves of your opponents. Never mind if you're holding weak cards. How they play the game is usually what gives players their winning streak.

However, do not lose sight of the fact that you also need strong cards to win although sometimes, even if you have good cards you can still lose the game. This is usually the mistake that beginners make. Although good cards give you the edge to win, they're usually not enough. Thus, perhaps you should remember that arrogance or simply bad strategy could flush your good cards down the drain.

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