I Said Sit... You Idiot!
One of the first daily routines to be established with any new puppy and perhaps some adult dogs that are new is where and when it is appropriate to relieve themselves.
We have to accept that there will be accidents indoors and never punish your puppy or your adult dog for these accidents. Going to the toilet is a normal bodily function and as far as the dog is concerned and especially the puppy, when they need to go then they go where they happen to be.
The fact that the delivery of excretment or urine on the carpet is obnoxious to us is a concept that dogs do not understand. Do not be tempted to rub the dogs nose in it as contrary to those tales of old ,this does not work. Throwing your puppy outside will not work either. The fact that puppies trained this way do eventually become house trained is more luck than anything else .They would have become house trained anyway.
What this does is build up mistrust between dog and owner and to the dog this behavior is illogical and only makes a human even more difficult to understand. Bearing in mind that the puppy will need to go to the toilet frequently it is up to you to ensure that when the need arises the puppy is in the appropriate place to do the required action. As such take the puppy into the garden as soon as he wakens, as soon as he has eaten, when he awakens after a sleep ,after playtime and every hour apart from that!
The need to visit the garden will reduce as the number of mealtimes reduces. At 7 weeks old your puppy could be having up to 6 meals a day which will reduce to 2 by the time he is about 6 months old. It is important to take the puppy into the garden .If you simply put him outside he may just sniff around and forget what he is out there to do .
This could result in him coming indoors and peeing on the carpet. If you are not outside to reward him when he goes then he will not learn that going outside to the toilet pleases you whereas when he performs the same action indoors it gets ignored.
If you learn how to use treats to reward him when he goes you can combine this with a simple sound or word so that he will learn to go on command To begin with you may find you have to stay outside for quite a while with the puppy before he performs the required action. Do not be tempted into a game or he will never do what you are looking for.
Without losing sign of him try and ignore him removing any toys he may bring to you to play with. Do not get cross or impatient. It may be cold raining or thundering but he still needs to go to the toilet!
We have to accept that there will be accidents indoors and never punish your puppy or your adult dog for these accidents. Going to the toilet is a normal bodily function and as far as the dog is concerned and especially the puppy, when they need to go then they go where they happen to be.
The fact that the delivery of excretment or urine on the carpet is obnoxious to us is a concept that dogs do not understand. Do not be tempted to rub the dogs nose in it as contrary to those tales of old ,this does not work. Throwing your puppy outside will not work either. The fact that puppies trained this way do eventually become house trained is more luck than anything else .They would have become house trained anyway.
What this does is build up mistrust between dog and owner and to the dog this behavior is illogical and only makes a human even more difficult to understand. Bearing in mind that the puppy will need to go to the toilet frequently it is up to you to ensure that when the need arises the puppy is in the appropriate place to do the required action. As such take the puppy into the garden as soon as he wakens, as soon as he has eaten, when he awakens after a sleep ,after playtime and every hour apart from that!
The need to visit the garden will reduce as the number of mealtimes reduces. At 7 weeks old your puppy could be having up to 6 meals a day which will reduce to 2 by the time he is about 6 months old. It is important to take the puppy into the garden .If you simply put him outside he may just sniff around and forget what he is out there to do .
This could result in him coming indoors and peeing on the carpet. If you are not outside to reward him when he goes then he will not learn that going outside to the toilet pleases you whereas when he performs the same action indoors it gets ignored.
If you learn how to use treats to reward him when he goes you can combine this with a simple sound or word so that he will learn to go on command To begin with you may find you have to stay outside for quite a while with the puppy before he performs the required action. Do not be tempted into a game or he will never do what you are looking for.
Without losing sign of him try and ignore him removing any toys he may bring to you to play with. Do not get cross or impatient. It may be cold raining or thundering but he still needs to go to the toilet!