Health & Medical Women's Health

Help to Lose Thigh Fat

Of all the places fat seems to choose, thighs are very noticible. Many of us accumulate fat on our upper legs, especially as we age and become more sedentary. Not to worry - you have a few options when you want to lose thigh fat. Cardio exercise, strength training and diet is how you can remove the fat on your thighs.

Lose extra thigh girth with exercise

By itself, strength exercise is not enough but do it in conjunction with cardio exercie and watch the difference. Plan some cardio exercise every day.

There's nothing like a cardio workout to invigorate your heart and boost your metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the quicker your body turns calories into energy, rather than storing them as extra fat.

According to the American Council on Exercise, three to five hours of cardio workout per week is enough to make a difference. For serious weight loss, increase that to four to six hours a week.

Firm up those legs while you purge the fat from your thighs with some extra lework like walking, running, jogging or climbing stairs. You may be able to find a local gyn that even ofers kick-boking exercises if you really want to crank it up.

Good starter exercises for your legs are walking ang jogging and the good thing about them is that you can determine what level is right for you. Walking on water is difficult but walking on the bottom of the pool (stay out of the deep end) is a fun way to start off easily and it doen't overuse your joints. Try walking in sand on the beach to increase the value of your workout.

A proper diet will help

A good plan has to include more than cardio. Your diet plays a key role. Sodium, sugar and saturated fats in your diet will cause your body to store more fat and fluid than you need. Genetically speaking, fat, sugar and salt-rich diets can be a huge concern.

Do your metabolism a favor and help it out by eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. Eating only three times sets your body up to start, stop and repeat the process twice more rather than receiving a more natural ingestion of nutrients. It is a fact that smaller meals more often help your body's metabolism.

Fresh vegetables and lean meat, poultry or fish should form part of almost every meal. Good between meal snacks inlude apples and other fruit, nuts for fiber, soymilk or low-fat dairy products. Plan your day so you have a small meal or low-fat, high fiber snack every three hours. When you are preparing for a workout, consider having some high-energy, good carb whole grain pasta.

Hydration is also crucial for fat loss. Eight glasses of water is a minimum you should aim for each day. 64 oz. of water is the least amount you need daily for a fully functionling metabolism.

Fat Thighs can be Reduced By Strengthening Them

Stronger leg muscles will help to lose thigh fat. By increasing your muscle density, it will make your legs slimmer and you will burh off calories at a faster rate. Leg muscle density plays an important role in burning calories all day long, regardless of what you are doing.

See the difference faster when you factor leg presses, curls and lunges into your daily exercise routine. Using dumbells when you do your lunges will have a positive effect on your leg strengthening results.

So what if you don't want to hit the gym to do your exercies? There are plenty of home-based exercises, such a yoga, which can make your thighs slimmer and stronger. Don't forget simple home exercises such as leg lifts and wall-sits. Do as many of these as you can; your body will tell you when it's had enough. Do your leg-strenghening exercises one day, rest the next, exercise the third day and rest the fourth.

Follow these ideas and one day soon you will look down and be amazed at how quickly you can lose thigh fat.

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