Family & Relationships

Planning Your Child"s Birthday Party on Long Island

If you're hosting a party on Long Island you want great entertainment. Long Island is know for parties both fantastic and over the top. So if you want to bring some fun to your party with quality entertainment, follow these tips.

Customize Entertainment for Your Guests. Clowns and frighten toddlers and costumed characters like Elmo and Mickey Mouse can scare young children. Choose a magician who will entertain the kids without the scary makeup and wig! A child who is afraid of bizarre looking characters will scream and cry during the whole party. Is that what you really want? A professional magician for children is a better choice.

Long Island has many gifted and talented kids' performers. Why not check them out in person and see how they dress at a party?

See The Show Yourself. The very best way to find any good children's entertainer for a party is by seeing that act in person. It's very easy for an inexperienced, amateur party entertainer to create me a slick looking website that will make you believe that he or she puts on a terrific show. A lot of times these individuals are better at designing a website then they are at putting on a show. If it isn't possible for you to go and see the act for yourself before you hire them then at the very least asked to see some video footage of the show before you book them for your party.

It's really important to ask for references whenever you hire someone for a special event and this is especially important when you are hosting a children's party. You want to make sure that this individual will is trustworthy and responsible. The only way to do this is by getting professional references from the entertainer and then actually following up and checking each of those references. You want somebody with a minimum of five years of professional party entertainment experience.

When ever you higher entertainment for party you have to make sure that you are matching the audience with the correct performer. You wouldn't hire a nightclub comedian to entertain a church group with raunchy, off-color jokes. You don't want to hire a children's clown to do a show for business executives. Just because a performer is great in one particular type of thing you does not mean that he or she will do a great job at your event. If you're hiring a birthday party magician for children then makes sure that the magician you hire has experience entertaining kids that are the same age as the children at your party.

When it comes to saving money when you are entertaining, smart planning can often lead to significant savings. The same can be said about early planning. If you wait until the last minute to hire an entertainer you can expect to pay more money than you would if you had hired him several months in advance. This is particularly true when you're looking for party entertainment for a holiday event. Try contacting and securing your entertainment in the summer when things are slow. Offered to pay a large deposit upfront in return for a discount. Also, many entertainment companies will discount if you are willing to pay cash.

Another way to save money when you book entertainment is to skip the booking agency and go directly to the individual artist. Many party companies that book entertainment will mark up the cost of the show in order to secure their own commission. This means you can expect to pay 10% or even 50% more for the same show. One of the advantages of using a professional talent booking agency is that they can offer you more solutions than an individual entertainer can, also they may be able to find a substitute act for you faster in the event your schedules entertainer is unable to perform due to an emergency. But be warned, many party entertainment companies on Long Island care very little about quality control. Sometimes they will look out ask that they have never seen in order to make a commission. They'll promise you that the person that sending you is the best when in fact it never met them. That's certainly not worth paying up for, is it?

With so many talented entertainers all over Long Island there's no reason you have to throw a boring party. One quick and easy way to find a good performer for your event is by using your social networks. Make a quick post on your Facebook profile and ask your friends and family to recommend the best party entertainers for your next event.

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