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Kinds of Injuries in Chicago Workers Compensation

In various states of US, including Illinois, there is a law called workers compensation. When a person working in Illinois gets injured while at workplace, he becomes eligible for Chicago workers compensation. It is a settlement provided by the employer to their injured employee who got wounded because of their negligence. This settlement is to cover their expenses, like medical bills, loss of income and others. In case where employer refuses to pay the settlement, the injured worker must get himself a Chicago workers compensation attorney to get this amount. Following are the kinds of injuries that might occur at workplace.

Mental Injuries: Workers compensation could be also be provided when an employee is mentally or emotionally injured because of work or employer. This kind of injury is further categorized in two kinds, which is when an employee is emotionally stressed and other when he is mentally affected due to his physical injuries. For the first kind, one example could be when employee faints due to over working or exhaustion and an example for the second kind would be when any employee experience concussion, due to any equipment hitting his head, and results in amnesia.

Work Related Infection or Disease: Sometimes the nature of work can cause infection or disease to a worker which is also count as a work injury. There have been numerous cases of this type. After the affected worker is diagnosed and if the results prove that he would not have been affected if he had not exposed to the source of this infection or disease, then the employer would be required to pay the compensation for his negligence. One example for this could be when necessary safety equipments were not provided to workers in a chemical factory.

Injuries From Repetitive Work: Some injuries also happen due to repetitive work. This type of injury also qualifies for Chicago workers compensation. An example for this would be, when a worker is constantly using computer that could cause back problems.

There could be some other kinds of work injuries too, but if they qualifies for workers compensation or not depends on the regulations in the country.

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