Side Effects of Neoral in Cats
- Stomach upset including nausea, diarrhea and lack of appetite,states Mar Vista Vet, is the side effect most frequently associated with Neoral. These effects, however, are usually temporary.
- Continued use of Neoral can lead to bacterial or fungal infections that a fully functioning immune system would combat. Long-term use may also allow cancers, including lymphoma, to develop.
- Another concern with Neoral is that cyclosporine can render some vaccinations ineffective. Some vets suggest a small possibility that giving a cat on cyclosporine a modified live vaccine could cause the disease the vaccine normally prevents.
- Stomach upset, says Mar Vista Vet, will normally clear up on its own within a week. Temporarily reducing the cat's Neoral dose, however, may speed the resolution.
- Eliminate your cat's existing bacterial or fungal infections before starting him on Neoral, so his suppressed immune system doesn't let them spread.