Search Engine Optimization
Once upon a time a lady named Nancy Andrews had a franchise web design business...It was a crappy business, with no support from the evil franchise...One day the evil franchise SEO guy just plain disappeared... right in the middle of a job... that was already paid for! This was quite the dilemma...Nancy's client expected results, but she had no SEO guy to deliver...Not being the type of person to "throw in the towel" Nancy rolled up her sleeves and learned everything she could about SEO. She soon found through testing and analysis that some stuff was pure crap and other stuff was pure gold...Armed with her new found knowledge Nancy was able to get her client to page 1 of Google quickly...the day had been saved...Soon after other clients came... and they too catapulted to page 1...That's when Nancy said to herself "Self... why are making money for everybody else... and not yourself?" was born... reached page 1 in weeks, and grabbed the #1 spot for Golf Gifts on the three major search engines in less than 5 months, and despite numerous Google algorithm changes and intense competition from 100 million dollar companies has held the spot for 4 years straight. In some circle her skills were well known... and webmasters were coming to her privately to learn how to rank well on the search engines. Before she knew it Nancy had streamlined all the tasks into a simple process that worked Every Time! So sure of her process she announced at Yanik's Underground that she would take a site from nothing to page 1 of Google... and so she did.
A couple of months later Nancy opened LiveBlueprints to show anyone interested how they may replicate her results. And all rejoiced. You are about to find out that getting a top position on Google and Yahoo isn't as hard as you were led to believe it is. And here's the really cool part: the amount of work (links required) is much, MUCH less than what you've been told before!
She will be revealing our secret strategies and tactics that we are using now to push our new sites up and defend our top ranking sites. And here's her first lesson:
It's not how many links you build, it's how you build them that counts. And I'm here to teach you how. You should not have to take on a 2nd mortgage just to get good information to help you build your business. So we are offering a FREE general access membership that will answer many of the questions those of you just starting out have. Find out about getting started, making trade offs, and share some of our own secret information about search engines, conversion and other topics. This resource area will continue to grow and develop to be a resource you'll use again and again. But for those of you who want to seriously pull ahead and get ranked on the major search engines in the shortest amount of time and least effort possible, consider our Live SEO Blueprint membership. This is less an SEO course and more an interactive learning environment that when implemented will finally get your site to page one of Google and other search engines. Here's how it works:
Hands-on, step by step learning. Move through the course information laid out in segments sequentially. Or access our Table of Contents links that send you deeper into the information you need - perfect if you've not yet completed the segment or need a review. Content is presented in a multi media format including text, video and worksheets. Virtual coaching. Cement your learning by participating in our communication & feedback systems. Our hands on learning blueprint is supported with monthly webinars, scheduled live chat sessions, and focused forums. With our 'high touch' environment it's like having your own personal SEO coach without the huge price tag. No worry about understanding terminology. You don't need to know it all before you get started! General Internet and SEO terms are highlighted as gray shaded text links that you can click on to drill down to our built in 'More than a Glossary' resource. For example, what if you don't know what the Google Toolbar is much less where to get it? Just click right now on the shaded phrase to see how our glossary works and how we even embed videos. We make learning easy for the beginner without slowing down the more advanced student. Updated when Google changes. Unlike static courses, ebooks and even most memberships, this is a living blueprint that will be added to and amended whenever our testing and analysis suggests a change is warranted. So you get the information as soon as we have it available - you don't have to wait for annual updates. And our unique announcement technology makes sure you are alerted and updated!
Where the other guys claim they conduct tests and then tell you to just do what they say, we show you live lab experiments in progress with updates on a regular basis. What's the difference? Your website is too important to risk it to 'off the cuff' analysis that amounts to nothing more than idle speculation. We give you all the detail you need to evaluate the results for yourself. Lab experiments that show conclusive results are then used to update or expand the Live SEO Blueprint. You'll get the benefit from the lab even if you don't regularly read through the experiments themselves! Another industry first! You'll free get free access to OUR top secret tools. We'll start off with our Instant Rank Hack tool. This tool when properly used can help to blast your site's rank through the roof, nearly overnight. Talk about unfair advantage - this is one you can't pass up! We've used it to power dozens of PR 3, 4 and 5 sites without any work on our part to get backlinks. But best yet, learn our secret to use your new found PR power for a total blitzkrieg of traffic for your site. was born... reached page 1 in weeks, and grabbed the #1 spot for Golf Gifts on the three major search engines in less than 5 months, and despite numerous Google algorithm changes and intense competition from 100 million dollar companies has held the spot for 4 years straight. In some circle her skills were well known... and webmasters were coming to her privately to learn how to rank well on the search engines. Before she knew it Nancy had streamlined all the tasks into a simple process that worked Every Time! So sure of her process she announced at Yanik's Underground that she would take a site from nothing to page 1 of Google... and so she did.
A couple of months later Nancy opened LiveBlueprints to show anyone interested how they may replicate her results. And all rejoiced. You are about to find out that getting a top position on Google and Yahoo isn't as hard as you were led to believe it is. And here's the really cool part: the amount of work (links required) is much, MUCH less than what you've been told before!
She will be revealing our secret strategies and tactics that we are using now to push our new sites up and defend our top ranking sites. And here's her first lesson:
It's not how many links you build, it's how you build them that counts. And I'm here to teach you how. You should not have to take on a 2nd mortgage just to get good information to help you build your business. So we are offering a FREE general access membership that will answer many of the questions those of you just starting out have. Find out about getting started, making trade offs, and share some of our own secret information about search engines, conversion and other topics. This resource area will continue to grow and develop to be a resource you'll use again and again. But for those of you who want to seriously pull ahead and get ranked on the major search engines in the shortest amount of time and least effort possible, consider our Live SEO Blueprint membership. This is less an SEO course and more an interactive learning environment that when implemented will finally get your site to page one of Google and other search engines. Here's how it works:
Hands-on, step by step learning. Move through the course information laid out in segments sequentially. Or access our Table of Contents links that send you deeper into the information you need - perfect if you've not yet completed the segment or need a review. Content is presented in a multi media format including text, video and worksheets. Virtual coaching. Cement your learning by participating in our communication & feedback systems. Our hands on learning blueprint is supported with monthly webinars, scheduled live chat sessions, and focused forums. With our 'high touch' environment it's like having your own personal SEO coach without the huge price tag. No worry about understanding terminology. You don't need to know it all before you get started! General Internet and SEO terms are highlighted as gray shaded text links that you can click on to drill down to our built in 'More than a Glossary' resource. For example, what if you don't know what the Google Toolbar is much less where to get it? Just click right now on the shaded phrase to see how our glossary works and how we even embed videos. We make learning easy for the beginner without slowing down the more advanced student. Updated when Google changes. Unlike static courses, ebooks and even most memberships, this is a living blueprint that will be added to and amended whenever our testing and analysis suggests a change is warranted. So you get the information as soon as we have it available - you don't have to wait for annual updates. And our unique announcement technology makes sure you are alerted and updated!
Where the other guys claim they conduct tests and then tell you to just do what they say, we show you live lab experiments in progress with updates on a regular basis. What's the difference? Your website is too important to risk it to 'off the cuff' analysis that amounts to nothing more than idle speculation. We give you all the detail you need to evaluate the results for yourself. Lab experiments that show conclusive results are then used to update or expand the Live SEO Blueprint. You'll get the benefit from the lab even if you don't regularly read through the experiments themselves! Another industry first! You'll free get free access to OUR top secret tools. We'll start off with our Instant Rank Hack tool. This tool when properly used can help to blast your site's rank through the roof, nearly overnight. Talk about unfair advantage - this is one you can't pass up! We've used it to power dozens of PR 3, 4 and 5 sites without any work on our part to get backlinks. But best yet, learn our secret to use your new found PR power for a total blitzkrieg of traffic for your site.