Indoor or Outdoor Cats - Making the Decision
Cats as a rule like to be able to go outside play in the trees investigation tiny spaces and generally experience new things.
However there are many owners who do not let their kitty outside and this is for a variety of reasons which are listed below.
Why you might prefer to have an indoor cat: You worry about them being knocked over.
You think your furry friend might get stolen, this doesn't just apply to pedigree breeds but also to your every day moggy, there are people who enjoy torturing animals, for some it could be a way to pass the time on a school night.
You've not had your them neutered and don't want it fathering and kittens or becoming pregnant.
They are is over due their injections and don't want to risk infection.
You've just moved house and are still keeping the kitty in so it doesn't lose it bearings.
You just don't have a suitable place for your them to access outside such as a 2 story flat or apartment.
Some felines just prefer being inside.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding whether they should be kept indoors or allowed to roam and many owners have strong view points.
Your likely to find that some owners who have previously lost their pet in an accident or had it stolen are much more reluctant to let their new cat play out.
So it is important that they receives some kind of stimulation and exercise, pet toys would be extremely beneficial to indoor cats.
For pedigree owners, not only have they become very attached to their feline friends but they also cost them a considerable amount of money and unfortunately pedigree breeds are more likely to be stolen for profit, then your regular kitty.
Tips for Keeping Outdoor Cats Safe Make sure they have a collar which supplies your contact details or get them micro-chipped.
Try to keep them away from busy roads by letting them out of the back of the house and not the front.
If your kitty is new to outside world then get them a harness and let them sniff around so they know where home is.
Whether they are an indoor or outdoor kitty they will still need toys, somewhere comfy for them to sleep, quality litter and a litter tray.
Even if you have an indoor cat I would suggest getting them vaccinated as a precaution.
However there are many owners who do not let their kitty outside and this is for a variety of reasons which are listed below.
Why you might prefer to have an indoor cat: You worry about them being knocked over.
You think your furry friend might get stolen, this doesn't just apply to pedigree breeds but also to your every day moggy, there are people who enjoy torturing animals, for some it could be a way to pass the time on a school night.
You've not had your them neutered and don't want it fathering and kittens or becoming pregnant.
They are is over due their injections and don't want to risk infection.
You've just moved house and are still keeping the kitty in so it doesn't lose it bearings.
You just don't have a suitable place for your them to access outside such as a 2 story flat or apartment.
Some felines just prefer being inside.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding whether they should be kept indoors or allowed to roam and many owners have strong view points.
Your likely to find that some owners who have previously lost their pet in an accident or had it stolen are much more reluctant to let their new cat play out.
So it is important that they receives some kind of stimulation and exercise, pet toys would be extremely beneficial to indoor cats.
For pedigree owners, not only have they become very attached to their feline friends but they also cost them a considerable amount of money and unfortunately pedigree breeds are more likely to be stolen for profit, then your regular kitty.
Tips for Keeping Outdoor Cats Safe Make sure they have a collar which supplies your contact details or get them micro-chipped.
Try to keep them away from busy roads by letting them out of the back of the house and not the front.
If your kitty is new to outside world then get them a harness and let them sniff around so they know where home is.
Whether they are an indoor or outdoor kitty they will still need toys, somewhere comfy for them to sleep, quality litter and a litter tray.
Even if you have an indoor cat I would suggest getting them vaccinated as a precaution.