Astrology, Karma and rectification prayers
The discussion of karma and destiny are never ending subjects and I am happy that forum is discussing these with real time examples.
Many of my visitors and especially those who are either facing severe complications in life, and/or having some health issues are asking me about ways and means of getting rid of the same.
It is unfortunate that many think that any negative things come in the way are their some mistakes or someone else have exploited them. Or if they find no solution anywhere else, they start believing in astrology and look for solution. No astrologer is a magician or great enough to wipe off the problems faced by an individual.
The Karma of a person drives him/her throughout the life till the particular generation purpose is completed. We take birth again and again and it is a contineous cycle, which should be kept in mind.. The planetary positions in the horoscope will reflect about all the things done in previous births of a person. All the previous births actions will reflect in this birth. Only the Jeeva Athma inside body knows all the things. Jeeva athma has no birth or death. The body is alive till it remains inside a body. It travels out of body once it completes it determined destiny of that birth.
If one keeps in mind the above facts, then it will not be so difficult to understand the fact the reason for any sufferings and/or happiness. Just look at the way people live and what are the things they are doing from birth to death?. It is for sure that everyone has to do negative and positive actions during the lifetime. Sometimes they might have done good things to others and most of the times may be bad things.
Many people are confused with the afct about good things and bad things. I will explain the same here:
1. Any action which result in another Athma ( may be humans/plants/animals etc., ) whereby the athma appreciates the help and service rendered.
2. Any service rendered should be to such Athma, whereby they do not do any bad things to others. I will give examples of people doing some service or donations without really understanding the consequences:
2.a. One of my visitor donated huge amounts to a charity organisation and immediately after the same and asked me whether it is good?. I asked him to verify the total activities of the organisation and its promoters.
2.b. It was found that this organisation is involved in many businesses and this charity is a way to make other business successful and also generate enough funds required.
2.c. Similarly, one of my visitor gave money to some beggers while going to temple and after donating he found that the person went to shop, bought a cigarette and was smoking.
2.d. In another instance, the begger who got the money was driking illicit arrack sold nearby.
These are just examples of some actions of the people, where one can notice that whatever good ( appears like) are not not good things in real terms.
In all the above cases, other Athma does not get benefitted or are going to any good for anyother athma and hence, all their negative actions will fall on your shoulders.
In the case of such actions deemed like good things will affect normally fairly quickly and I will explain how it happens:
Just before a person is going to bad period or may be in the process of getting the same, will be visiting temples/astrologers /etc and start donations and other such activities. Now when his donation is misutilized by others, the bad period instead of a normal one will be bit severe and perhaps will result in his looking for favours from others.
These things should be kept in mind and if at all one desires to do good, ensure that it is done for the right people only.
Now let us discuss on the ways and means of getting rid of Karma effects. For this everyone can read many scripts and participate in our forum discussions. If one can read the horoscopes from the ascendant to 6th house in a chart are the events happned through one's mother side. The houses from 7th to 12th are the events happened through your father side.
In addition one must have or try to asceratin from forefathers as top the way of their life and what are all they did during their life. The new born in that family will have a bearing on all of or some of their forefathers. The Karma of a child will be based on the family karma only. Hence whatever practices adopted by the family should be well known for doing necessary rectification prayers, to get some solution from Karmic effects.
The article will be continued with explanations.
Many of my visitors and especially those who are either facing severe complications in life, and/or having some health issues are asking me about ways and means of getting rid of the same.
It is unfortunate that many think that any negative things come in the way are their some mistakes or someone else have exploited them. Or if they find no solution anywhere else, they start believing in astrology and look for solution. No astrologer is a magician or great enough to wipe off the problems faced by an individual.
The Karma of a person drives him/her throughout the life till the particular generation purpose is completed. We take birth again and again and it is a contineous cycle, which should be kept in mind.. The planetary positions in the horoscope will reflect about all the things done in previous births of a person. All the previous births actions will reflect in this birth. Only the Jeeva Athma inside body knows all the things. Jeeva athma has no birth or death. The body is alive till it remains inside a body. It travels out of body once it completes it determined destiny of that birth.
If one keeps in mind the above facts, then it will not be so difficult to understand the fact the reason for any sufferings and/or happiness. Just look at the way people live and what are the things they are doing from birth to death?. It is for sure that everyone has to do negative and positive actions during the lifetime. Sometimes they might have done good things to others and most of the times may be bad things.
Many people are confused with the afct about good things and bad things. I will explain the same here:
1. Any action which result in another Athma ( may be humans/plants/animals etc., ) whereby the athma appreciates the help and service rendered.
2. Any service rendered should be to such Athma, whereby they do not do any bad things to others. I will give examples of people doing some service or donations without really understanding the consequences:
2.a. One of my visitor donated huge amounts to a charity organisation and immediately after the same and asked me whether it is good?. I asked him to verify the total activities of the organisation and its promoters.
2.b. It was found that this organisation is involved in many businesses and this charity is a way to make other business successful and also generate enough funds required.
2.c. Similarly, one of my visitor gave money to some beggers while going to temple and after donating he found that the person went to shop, bought a cigarette and was smoking.
2.d. In another instance, the begger who got the money was driking illicit arrack sold nearby.
These are just examples of some actions of the people, where one can notice that whatever good ( appears like) are not not good things in real terms.
In all the above cases, other Athma does not get benefitted or are going to any good for anyother athma and hence, all their negative actions will fall on your shoulders.
In the case of such actions deemed like good things will affect normally fairly quickly and I will explain how it happens:
Just before a person is going to bad period or may be in the process of getting the same, will be visiting temples/astrologers /etc and start donations and other such activities. Now when his donation is misutilized by others, the bad period instead of a normal one will be bit severe and perhaps will result in his looking for favours from others.
These things should be kept in mind and if at all one desires to do good, ensure that it is done for the right people only.
Now let us discuss on the ways and means of getting rid of Karma effects. For this everyone can read many scripts and participate in our forum discussions. If one can read the horoscopes from the ascendant to 6th house in a chart are the events happned through one's mother side. The houses from 7th to 12th are the events happened through your father side.
In addition one must have or try to asceratin from forefathers as top the way of their life and what are all they did during their life. The new born in that family will have a bearing on all of or some of their forefathers. The Karma of a child will be based on the family karma only. Hence whatever practices adopted by the family should be well known for doing necessary rectification prayers, to get some solution from Karmic effects.
The article will be continued with explanations.