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Episode 4: "Boys Will Be Boys"

Willie and Karamo are walking and discussing gay life. Willie has not had a romantic relationship in two years. Willie inquires about what type of guys Karamo prefers. Karamo prefers guys that exude a "hip-hop style." Karamo is grateful that Willie is here, since it eases his way into the gay community of Philadelphia.
The housemates have breakfast at the Continental diner. During breakfast Willie deliberately drops food down Sarah's breasts, which she calls "an expensive accessory." She admits she is obsessed with her breasts.

Outside Sarah and Melanie discuss the plastic surgery that Sarah has had on her breasts. Melanie clearly disapproves. This irks Sarah who complains about Melanie's habit of telling everyone else what to do or about expressing her disapproval of what they have done. Sarah also reveals to her housemates that she has had an eating disorder since she was 17 and has been bulimic as recently as six months prior to the filming of the show. Melanie feels that this shows that Sarah has serious self-esteem issues.

The houseguests discover the Equality Forum, a gay festival in Philadelphia. While at the festival Willie encounters Dan, a guy with whom he had a five or six day relationship a couple of years before. Willie tells Dan that he really liked him and is so glad that they have met again.

A large group of people returns to the house, including several gay friends of Willie. MJ wakes up from a nap and notices that "gay pride America" has just walked into the house. He comments that he already feels like he is in "Alice in Wonderland."

Willie introduces his friends to the other housemates. Landon finds it weird to have that many gay people in the house. Willie asks if MJ and Landon want to go out to eat with him and his friends, but MJ and Landon decide not to go along feeling uncomfortable with the situation. MJ and Landon discuss the difficulty of adjusting to this type of lifestyle.

Willie explains that he comes from a very strict Puerto Rican Catholic family and he had difficulty telling his family that he is gay. His mother doesn't accept his lifestyle. Willie asks the houseguests if Dan can spend the night and they agree that it's OK. Willie and Dan plan to take it easy and not rush things.

The next morning Sarah and Willie discuss the last night. Sarah tells Willie that if he ever wants the room to himself when he has a guest, Sarah will sleep in another room. Willie explains that he and Dan just "made out."

Sarah and Melanie go shopping for clothes and Sarah sees a very expensive of jeans that she likes. Sarah buys them for $140. Melanie is quick to blab to Landon and Karamo about Sarah's purchase and how she feels that there are so many better things to spend your money on. Sarah overhears the conversation and complains to Willie that Melanie had no right to tell the others about her business. Willie agrees that it is rude. MJ advises her to tell Melanie about how she feels.

At the gym, MJ finds it hard to keep up with Sarah. She and MJ continue to talk about Melanie on the walk home and Sarah decides that she has to confront Melanie.

Sarah pulls Melanie aside and explains to her that she was hurt. With Sarah, "money is personal." Melanie is genuinely sorry and knows that sometimes her opinions make her come off as a bitch. Melanie is impressed that Sarah came to her one on one and dealt with the problem rather than making a scene in public. Both seem happy that they have resolved the situation.

Willie and Dan decide to leave their relationship open and see where it goes. They decide to go to bed together. First they both take a shower together and then they get into bed. Landon, Sarah, Shavonda and MJ are somewhat shocked by what they are seeing; yet they are very curious about what is going on. Shavonda describes it is like "free porn on HBO that your not supposed to watch but you do."
The Real World Philadelphia Episode Guide Willie and Karamo are walking and discussing gay life. Willie has not had a romantic relationship in two years. Willie inquires about what type of guys Karamo prefers. Karamo prefers guys that exude a "hip-hop style." Karamo is grateful that Willie is here, since it eases his way into the gay community of Philadelphia.
The housemates have breakfast at the Continental diner. During breakfast Willie deliberately drops food down Sarah's breasts, which she calls "an expensive accessory." She admits she is obsessed with her breasts. Outside Sarah and Melanie discuss the plastic surgery that Sarah has had on her breasts. Melanie clearly disapproves. This irks Sarah who complains about Melanie's habit of telling everyone else what to do or about expressing her disapproval of what they have done. Sarah also reveals to her housemates that she has had an eating disorder since she was 17 and has been bulimic as recently as six months prior to the filming of the show. Melanie feels that this shows that Sarah has serious self-esteem issues.

The houseguests discover the Equality Forum, a gay festival in Philadelphia. While at the festival Willie encounters Dan, a guy with whom he had a five or six day relationship a couple of years before. Willie tells Dan that he really liked him and is so glad that they have met again.

A large group of people returns to the house, including several gay friends of Willie. MJ wakes up from a nap and notices that "gay pride America" has just walked into the house. He comments that he already feels like he is in "Alice in Wonderland."

Willie introduces his friends to the other housemates. Landon finds it weird to have that many gay people in the house. Willie asks if MJ and Landon want to go out to eat with him and his friends, but MJ and Landon decide not to go along feeling uncomfortable with the situation. MJ and Landon discuss the difficulty of adjusting to this type of lifestyle.

Willie explains that he comes from a very strict Puerto Rican Catholic family and he had difficulty telling his family that he is gay. His mother doesn't accept his lifestyle. Willie asks the houseguests if Dan can spend the night and they agree that it's OK. Willie and Dan plan to take it easy and not rush things.

The next morning Sarah and Willie discuss the last night. Sarah tells Willie that if he ever wants the room to himself when he has a guest, Sarah will sleep in another room. Willie explains that he and Dan just "made out."

Sarah and Melanie go shopping for clothes and Sarah sees a very expensive of jeans that she likes. Sarah buys them for $140. Melanie is quick to blab to Landon and Karamo about Sarah's purchase and how she feels that there are so many better things to spend your money on. Sarah overhears the conversation and complains to Willie that Melanie had no right to tell the others about her business. Willie agrees that it is rude. MJ advises her to tell Melanie about how she feels.

At the gym, MJ finds it hard to keep up with Sarah. She and MJ continue to talk about Melanie on the walk home and Sarah decides that she has to confront Melanie.

Sarah pulls Melanie aside and explains to her that she was hurt. With Sarah, "money is personal." Melanie is genuinely sorry and knows that sometimes her opinions make her come off as a bitch. Melanie is impressed that Sarah came to her one on one and dealt with the problem rather than making a scene in public. Both seem happy that they have resolved the situation.

Willie and Dan decide to leave their relationship open and see where it goes. They decide to go to bed together. First they both take a shower together and then they get into bed. Landon, Sarah, Shavonda and MJ are somewhat shocked by what they are seeing; yet they are very curious about what is going on. Shavonda describes it is like "free porn on HBO that your not supposed to watch but you do."

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