5 tips to help you break out of your comfort zone while on your Lap Band journey!
Have you been wallowing in too much comfort and you didn't even know it? Everybody likes to be in their comfort zone because it's safe and familiar. We fear change because it rocks the familiarity of our lives and what we are comfortable with and pushes us into unchartered and new territory. We know this is true, but we also know that we need to make changes in our life if we want it to be rewarding and fulfilled. We can't sit on our couch and watch tv for the rest of our lives -as much as we sometimes want to!Answer the following questions as honestly as you can if you see yourself as someone with eternal dreams:- Do you find that things happen in your life too easily at the moment?- Do you often have thoughts in the back of your mind that you could be doing something to make your life better?- Do you often wonder that your life could be so much more successful if you made some fundamental changes?If your answer is yes to any of these questions, have a look at all the positives in your life. When asked this question, people usually respond with answers such as a great job with good money, fulfilling personal life, etc. When you realise there are many things to be grateful for in your life, give yourself a pat on the back - you deserve it!Now, reflect on some of the negative things in your life:- You wish your life was more exciting- You are aware that you could strive for bigger goals by being more organised- You wish you had a better relationship with your relatives/partner/manager.If you find that quite often these are the thoughts that are going on in your head, you begin to become aware that if you just continue as things are without any real direction, you can lull yourself into a false sense of security that all is good in your life. If you want to get to the life you know you deserve and want, you know you have to make some changes. Don't be thinking, 'but it's too late' - well it's never too late!!Here are 5 tips on how you can break out of that comfort zone:* Take a trip down memory road and think back on positive memories!Even though our mind might be telling us that it's scary to get out of our comfort zone, it can sometimes be fun! Think back to previous times when you have been out of your comfort zone and focus on the positives:- What did it feel like?- What were you telling yourself?- What did you see, hear, smell?It's only natural to automatically play back the negative experiences we've had, but what if we replace them with the positive ones and previous accomplishments we've had? Things will become less scary if you focus on the positive rather than the negative.* Make an effort to meet someone new!By doing this, you will gain access to new experiences and you never know where it might lead. It doesn't even have to be meeting someone in person, why not read a biography about someone you are unfamiliar with.* Do something, it can be anything, differently and see what happens!- go a different way to work, or get off a stop early and take a walk.- smile at a stranger when you're waiting in a queue or for the train.- give someone a genuine compliment every day.- join a local club or enroll in that short course you've been thinking of At the end of each day, think back on what you did different that day.If you achieved what you wanted, reward yourself and if you didn't, think about how you can do something a little better tomorrow to improve. If you persist with this everyday, it will go a long way!* Face your fears, but do it in small steps!Facing our fears head on can make us very apprehensive, but by taking small steps, it's one of the best ways to overcome your fears. Once you identify your fear, break it down into smaller, more comfortable steps and you will find your discomfort will gradually lessen.* Ask your friends to help you out!You know what they say, "that's what friends are for"! No one likes going through things by themselves and this is an easier way to get out of your comfort zone. If you're say thinking of joining a gym, take a friend with you which will not only make it easier to get going but also to keep going if you spur each other on.Hopefully you enjoyed these tips and they help you break out of your comfort zone as you continue on your Lap Band journey. Good luck with the challenge of breaking out of your comfort zone. Take some risks - you'll be glad you did!