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The Music Of His Presence - 3

I would like to briefly highlight one of the most powerful dimensions of the music of His Presencethe song of the beloved.

There is a song that our Heavenly Bridegroom sings.

As the prophet Isaiah said: Let me (as God's representative) sing of and for my greatly Beloved (God, the Son) a tender song of my Beloved concerning His vineyard (His chosen people) (Is. 5:1 Amp).

God is the creator of music, and He is the best musician and singer in the entire universe. The music of His presence carries the passion of the Bridegroom's heart for His bride. It is an expression of the ravished heart of Goda manifestation of His intense desire.

The book of Song of Songs, the most excellent song ever written, portrays King Jesus singing out His burning desire for us:

How beautiful you are, my darling, Oh, how beautiful! (S.g.4:1, NIV).

You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; you
have ravished my heart with one look of your eyes (S.g.4:9).

The music of His presence is an expression of the deep and strong affection that Christ has for His people. His sweetness and majesty are indescribable. They are a live reflection of the passionate heart of our amazing God.

The music of His presence is part of your glories inheritance...

To end this article trilogy, let's review 4 key points we have studied:

1--The music of His Presence will be one of the distinguishing characteristics that the Church of the last days will have. It will completely revolutionize our worship services and will carry us to behold the very glory of the King-

2--The music of His presence flows from the realm of God's glory. It's a combination of melodies and harmonies that come from the throne room of heaven and break into the earth realm--

3--This music is like a powerful river of which you are in the middle and its current takes you wherever it wants. It is like extending your wings and flying impulsively on the wind without limits or pressure, in absolute and perfect liberty-

4--The music of His presence carries the passion of the Bridegroom's heart for His bride. It is an expression of His ravished hearta manifestation of His intense desire--

Right now where you are... there is a door standing open before you, a portal of light that leads to the throne roomthe realm of God's glory and beauty.

It's time to engage this revelatory realm. It's time to go up in worship...

Hear His voice calling you, wooing you to ascend, saying:

Come up Here, and I will show you...

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