How to Prevent Getting a Cold Or the Flu
It is getting to be that time of year when we are bombarded with news articles about getting a cold or the flu.
They are saying that this year the flu has shown up in the general population earlier than usual.
In this article I will give you some tips that may help you or your family prevent getting a cold or the flu.
Each year numerous days of work and school are missed because of these troublesome ailments.
First, you may want to get a flu shot.
It is best to speak to your doctor to see if you and your children are good candidates for the shot.
They are recommended especially for the young and old and those people with compromised immune systems.
Secondly, I can not stress enough how important it is to wash your hands properly.
So many germs remain on our hands and then we touch our face.
This is one of the main ways that germs are spread.
Take the time to teach your children proper hand washing.
How to wash with soap and correct scrubbing methods and to make sure they always use soap.
You can never wash your hands too many times in a day, especially during food season.
Third, eating properly is also very important.
A healthy diet high in vitamins and nutrients is another step in fighting the war against colds and the flu.
You want to make sure you are eating the correct recommended servings of vegetables, fruits and proteins.
Fourth, taking a multiple vitamin is a great way to ensure along with healthy eating that you are getting the correct amount of vitamins and nutrients.
Fifth, you want to make sure you are getting enough sleep.
When your body doesn't get enough sleep.
When we are sleep deprived we become more susceptible to illness.
A good rule of thumb is to try and get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Sixth, get some exercise take walks participate in some sports.
Just keep your body moving all of this helps to kick start your immune system.
Lastly, both you and your kids should stay away from people who are sick.
It is so easy to catch a cold or the flu so don't place yourself in a position to make yourself vulnerable.
The same rule should work in reverse, if you or your children are sick stay away from others.
They are saying that this year the flu has shown up in the general population earlier than usual.
In this article I will give you some tips that may help you or your family prevent getting a cold or the flu.
Each year numerous days of work and school are missed because of these troublesome ailments.
First, you may want to get a flu shot.
It is best to speak to your doctor to see if you and your children are good candidates for the shot.
They are recommended especially for the young and old and those people with compromised immune systems.
Secondly, I can not stress enough how important it is to wash your hands properly.
So many germs remain on our hands and then we touch our face.
This is one of the main ways that germs are spread.
Take the time to teach your children proper hand washing.
How to wash with soap and correct scrubbing methods and to make sure they always use soap.
You can never wash your hands too many times in a day, especially during food season.
Third, eating properly is also very important.
A healthy diet high in vitamins and nutrients is another step in fighting the war against colds and the flu.
You want to make sure you are eating the correct recommended servings of vegetables, fruits and proteins.
Fourth, taking a multiple vitamin is a great way to ensure along with healthy eating that you are getting the correct amount of vitamins and nutrients.
Fifth, you want to make sure you are getting enough sleep.
When your body doesn't get enough sleep.
When we are sleep deprived we become more susceptible to illness.
A good rule of thumb is to try and get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Sixth, get some exercise take walks participate in some sports.
Just keep your body moving all of this helps to kick start your immune system.
Lastly, both you and your kids should stay away from people who are sick.
It is so easy to catch a cold or the flu so don't place yourself in a position to make yourself vulnerable.
The same rule should work in reverse, if you or your children are sick stay away from others.