Health & Medical Mental Health

Past Life Regression Case Study

Strained Relationship A young woman we'll call Sarah, was bothered by the strained relationship she felt between herself and her brother.
There were just two siblings in the family, and Sarah wanted to feel closer to her brother and couldn't.
To her knowledge, nothing had ever happened between she and her brother to explain the distance and unease between them.
So, Sarah decided to give past life regression a try, hoping for some answers.
Regression to Childhood Memory Sarah was regressed fairly easily.
She first went to a pleasant childhood memory of herself and some friends at a party.
Her brother was not present.
She was having a great time at the party.
Past Life Regression Next, Sarah was regressed to a past life.
She immediately found herself dressed in a beautiful, red dress and standing outside of a mansion, attending a garden party.
It was in late summer in one of the New England states.
As she looked around, she began to feel that something was wrong.
Searching for her fiancé, Sarah noticed movement in the bushes beside the patio.
Looking to see what the movement was about, she saw her fiancé fondling and kissing another young woman.
She was enraged! Blood on Her Hands Sarah jumped to another scene in her past life.
When she looked down at her hands, they were covered in blood.
Her mind began racing and she deducted that she had killed her fiancé or the other woman.
She couldn't see what had happened at this point.
The next scene was where Sarah was arrested and taken to jail.
She was charged with murdering her fiancé and the other woman.
Off to Jail Jumping ahead, Sarah found herself sitting in a jail cell by herself.
Oddly enough, she seemed to be at peace.
She saw herself staying in jail for the rest of her life.
Her Last Day Alive Now an older woman, Sarah was very frail and had lost the will to live.
However, she was still not bitter.
Moving to her death scene, Sarah learned that she had NOT murdered her fiancé or the other woman.
Instead, her brother from her past life had been so hurt for her, that he had murdered them.
Knowing this, Sarah had willingly gone to jail and had given her life to protect her brother.
It was at this point, Sarah recognized her past-life brother as the same brother in her current life.
Guilt In Sarah's past life, her brother had felt guilty for not accepting responsibility for the murder he had committed.
It was he who carried the guilt forward into this life and didn't feel worthy of being close to his sister.
Of course, he had no idea on a conscious level why he felt the way he did.
Making Up for Lost Time After coming out of hypnosis, Sarah left to phone her brother.
They talked for a long time as she outlined what had taken place during the regression.
She began to feel closer to her brother now than ever before.
They are both determined to work on their relationship with this new understanding.
Her brother told her that it made total sense to him.
In Conclusion The above case study shows the power of the subconscious to affect a person through many lifetimes.
And, sometimes the person being impacted by negative memories is not you.
Therefore, you have no way of understanding a relationship or a situation without the past life regression.
Think of the memories as knowledge gained.
Knowledge may affect you physically, emotionally, spiritually and/or mentally.

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