Technology Networking & Internet

How to Configure a Firebox Core FTP Proxy

    • 1). Open the Firebox X Core application on your computer and click the "Firewall" option from the top navigation menu.

    • 2). Click the "Outgoing" option and then select the "FTP Proxy" option. Click the "Edit" button and a new dialog box will appear.

    • 3). Select the "Outgoing" tab. Click the "Deny," "Allow," or "No Rule" option from the "Outgoing Filter" drop-down menu.

    • 4). Add the IP address for your trusted network in the "From" field. Click the "Add" button to add the IP address to the list.

    • 5). Enter the IP address for a computer on an external network into the "To" field and then click the "Add" button.

    • 6). Click the "OK" button to close out of the dialog boxes and your FTP Proxy settings will be fully established.

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