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Positive, Negative, Ground

I remember that years ago the lights on our trailer were not working correctly.
I replaced some bulbs and checked the wiring, but was unable to fix the problem.
As I was discussing the situation with a friend, he suggested that I check the ground.
Sure enough, the ground wire was barely secured to the frame.
The concept was simple; unless the trailer's wires are grounded, the electrical system will not perform correctly.
That illustration can be applied to our spiritual life.
If we are not grounded in the Word of God, our effectiveness as a Believer is hindered.
We have a tendency to be spoon fed the Word by Pastors and Teachers, and then think that is all we need to sustain us until the next gathering of the Saints.
In the mean time, when the opportunities arise to share the Gospel, or the testing of our faith is presented, our light seems to dim and fade out.
Every Believer needs to understand the importance of studying the Word; notice I did not say just reading the Word.
The more we increase in Biblical understanding and knowledge, the better equipped we are to not only present the Gospel, but to grow in the Truth that it offers.
The car battery is made up of the positive and negative cables.
Each one of these wires plays an important role in the working of the battery.
Many Believers feel that the negative aspects of life can only lead to failures and set backs.
But as one reads the stories of the challenges that many of the Biblical characters faced, one cannot but notice how God used the negatives to assist them in a positive contribution to the challenges of life.
Stop looking at the negatives as negative and began to see how they can function with the positives in life to make a real difference, not only in your life, but in the lives of others.
Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, yet through it all Joseph was lifted up and placed in a position where he was able to deliver his whole family from destitution.
37-47) Paul stated that his imprisonment at Rome had really aided in the furtherance of the Gospel.
(Philippians 1:12) Jonah was "down in the mouth" and Moses was "a basket case," yet Nineveh repented and Moses led two and a half million people out of bondage.
Truly, Paul put it in the right perspective when he declared that all things work together for good.
(Romans 8:28) The next time something negative happens, join it with the positive and see the "charge" you will generate.
Take your negatives - scars, fears, and pouts - and look at the potential they hold.
They will turn into stars, cheers, and shouts; for when everything is hooked up correctly, power will flow from you.

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