Technology Networking & Internet

Are Physicians On Facebook?

Are physicians on Facebook? The answer is a resounding yes! In a 2009 survey of MDsearch physicians, 67% confessed to being regular Facebook users. Surprised? We were too. The idea of a busy physician taking time to update a status or write on someone's wall...well, it's hard to imagine. But when you consider that Facebook has over 400 million active users, well, it really shouldn't surprise anyone that physicians would be part of the trend.

Facebook began as a networking site for students, but now, the majority of its users (two-thirds) exceed college age. In fact, the over 35 age group is the fastest growing group of new users. Facebook is constantly evolving the audience, the interface, the applications - and so is the way people are using it. It's no longer simply a way for friends and family to share photos or play an online game; these activities are still happening of course, but additionally, people are using Facebook as a tool to market themselves or their businesses. They're using it to network professionally, to organize groups, and to facilitate discussions.

Doctors Social Networking

The results of the MDsearch survey suggest that most physicians are still primarily using Facebook for personal use connecting with friends and family. However, this too seems to be changing. A search for physicians on Facebook results in over 5,000 pages and groups all of which indicate that physicians are starting to use Facebook to reach out to both consumers and each other.

Many physician groups on Facebook have been created by users to facilitate medical discussions and promote the sharing of health related information. A group can be open for anyone to join, or it may be set up to include members by invitation only. The purpose of an open group such as "Physicians for Human Rights" would be entirely different from a closed group like "Stanford Hospital Physicians." One is intended to increase awareness and/or facilitate change while the other is used for communicating privately among individuals with a confirmed connection.

Support System

Physician groups can also serve to lend moral support to one another through sharing stories and experiences and offering advice. While sites like Sermo offer increased exclusivity (an extensive registration process requires verification of your state license or hospital or practice ID), Facebook has the ability to facilitate similar discussions, therefore providing the opportunity to integrate the personal and the professional on one site.

Social Media Marketing

Physicians can also use Facebook as a marketing tool. For example, a private practice physician might create a Facebook page for his or her practice. It could introduce the staff, highlight press coverage of the practice, offer general health advice, and share interesting links from around the web all in an effort to interact with current patients and attract new ones.

Recruiting Tool

A facility's Facebook page may also be used for recruiting purposes. A physician seeking a new position can view the page to get to know a potential employer. Likewise, employers may use Facebook to check up on potential candidates, so it's important for physicians to control their privacy settings to limit what they want employers (and patients) to see.

Facebook has the potential to radically change the way physicians interact with both their patients and other physicians. One day a physician might reach out to a Facebook physician group for advice on a specific case, or they might follow up with a patient through a Facebook message or Facebook chat. Physicians could even connect with a future employer on Facebook. Facebook is changing the way all of us interact, but exactly what that means for physicians and healthcare in general remains to be seen.

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