Travel & Places United States

July Weather in Detroit

The summer season in southeast Michigan really heats up in July. According to NOAA National Data Centers, the average temperature in July is 73.5 degrees, which makes it the hottest month of the year in Detroit.

Temperatures: Typically, July Weather in Detroit is characterized by warm days and summer storms. The average temperature range is 63.6 to 83.4 degrees, and hot, humid days are possible. In fact, you can pretty much count on five days of 90 degrees or higher temperatures in the month.

Detroit has seen both highs of 102 degrees and lows of 41 degrees in July.

Rain? When it rains, it pours in July. While there are fewer days of rain (9), the average rainfall for the month is 3.16 inches.

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day? In July, the sun finally comes out in full force and the possibility of sunshine is about 68% -- and that's as good as it gets all year. Out of 31 days in the month, Detroit typically sees nine clear days, 12 partly-cloudy days and 10 cloudy days.

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