Health & Medical Health Care

What to Do About Senior Day Care

Senior day care Centers are a growing business, but to many these are a new concept.
Still, they provide safe surroundings for loved ones while caregivers work, run errands or just seek respite.
It is sometimes called adult day care.
These businesses offer care for those who are older, physically or cognitively disabled and cannot be home alone during the day.
Finding day care takes some effort, but those who utilize them have found a great deal of help.
ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center offers some good advice via their fact sheet, Adult Day Care: One Form of Respite for Older Adults.
They explain that there are three different types of care.
They are Adult day social care, Adult day health care and Alzheimer´s or dementia specific care.
They suggest that caregivers do their research to figure out which type of center will best fit their needs.
They also say that quality senior day care programs should include assessments of individual needs before admission, active programming that will offer daily social, recreational and rehabilitive needs of the client.
It is also suggested that the programs offer a monitored, individual treatment plan.
The facility should offer referrals and offer the criteria for termination.
Does the senior care offer in-house services such as transportation, meals, health screening and monitoring, educational programs and counseling? Is the facility safe and secure? Does the senior care follow state and national guidelines? You can begin searching for programs via your local or state Association of Aging or even via your local phone book.
you will also want to check with the Better Business Bureau and see if they monitor Day Cares.
You can contact The National Council on Aging, The Eldercare Locator and the National Adult Day Services to read their guidelines for senior care services.
Your family physician, friends and neighbors may also be able to recommend a good service.
No matter what, you will always want to ask and check out all references and credentials.
The costs can be anywhere from $25 per day to $79 per day.
It is reported that many programs offer a sliding fee so that families can pay according to their income.

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