Free The Control Freak - Relinquish Control & Be Made Whole, Stop Controlling People & Circumstance
Relinquish control Stop trying to control People and circumstances Let go and make advances Rather than succumbing to Such unyielding irreverences Shun manipulative glances Looks, sighs, and commentary Let people live happily and freely Without your incessant control Stop lording yourself over others Spying on people like an insidious mole What horrific thing has happened to you That your tenderness and inner life Has suddenly been robbed and stole? Utterly incapable of being made whole Are you while tending toward domination Thwarting the peace and plans of others Adding to life's complexities and frustration Forgetting the freedom of human beings Pushing and shoving your weight around The tone of your words atrocious in sound The bite of your attitude alienating others Causing friction between sisters and brothers Sowing discord and strife, removing precious life Your gross sins, foul disgrace are turbulent and rife When you enter a room, your presence is heavy Cutting through the atmosphere like a sharp knife Certainly this is not love, nor the meaning of life Can you not therefore pleasantly adapt and change Your way and your manner of trying to control life? Surely it would be far more peaceful and pleasant For others and also you, that is if you could simply Find something else more productive and joyous to do Your gifts, talents, and abilities seem great but few That is when they are suffocated by the control factor Smothered by your mixed motivation and manipulation I sense if you were to relinquish control and live freely Your gifts, talents, and abilities would shine magnificently Others would happily love and embrace you wholeheartedly Therefore relinquish control, be made whole, and love freely.