Business & Finance Blogging

How to Sell on Your Blog: Easy Pointers to Monetize Your Blog

Learning how to sell on your blog begins with traffic...
You may have a blog, but it's of no use if no one ever sees it.
So it's important first to understand how Google ranks blogs so you can be seen.
It's not the whole blog that ranks, it's the individual blog posts.
Each blog page has its own "permalink", and that's the link that you want to be seen on page one of Google so you can start getting those free leads.
How to sell on your blog using keyword research...
When I begin to construct a blog page, the first thing I do is go to the Google keyword research tool "adwords.
com" which will tell you how many searches are done for a particular keyword phrase.
For example, this blog page will hopefully rank for the keyword phrase "how to sell on your blog".
How to sell on your blog by directing your content to the right target market...
Of course, anyone who would go to Google and type in "how to sell on your blog" is likely to be looking for ways to a monetize blog, and therefore it would be advantages for me to write a post about how to sell on your blog only if I had a product or service that someone could buy where I can make money from selling such a service.
So it's really important to find your target market when you're blogging.
You have to ask yourself, "If I were looking to buy this product, what keyword phrase would I enter into Google? It's also important to remember that the "long tail" keyword phrases, those phrases with several words, are much easier to rank in the search engines.
How to sell on your blog by breaking attention of your reader...
You don't want to make your reader have to work hard to find your product or service.
It's best to have some sort of a banner or side rule that is plastered in big letters to break their attention and get them to "opt in" to your list.
Once you have their email address, you've begun the list building process.
The opt in box, of course, should advance them to a sales page video that keeps their interest and motivates them to buy.
Don't be afraid to be yourself - it will really work to monetize your blog! You are the magic to monetize your blog! When you show your true personality, you're beginning to learn how to sell on your blog...
People love stories, so the best attraction factor is to blog about a true story that happened to you or someone you know.
If your story happens to center around a difficult trial that someone had to overcome, the more attractive it is to your reader.
Everyone loves to hear about other people's problems! And, if they can relate to your problem, they can relate to you.
And that means they want to buy stuff from you or join you in your business.
Build curiosity in your story so the reader can't wait to click your link to find out what this amazing product is.
The above key pointers will enable you to sell on your blog, but for more advanced strategies, read on...
Monetize your blog with a page that has all your products with product description in an easy to read format...
When you construct this page, it will appear as a separate tab to click on your blog, and you can entitle it "shop", or "my recommendations".
Once you learn how to sell on your blog, it's really important to start driving traffic...
There are two ways to do this: 1) Social syndication: I advise going to "onlywire.
com" or "ping.
fm" and take advantage of one of these services to transmit your permalink to over 40 social networking sites all at once with the click of a button.
2) SEO Strategies: Here, you must keep in mind that Google ranks blogs based on two characteristics; relevancy and popularity.
When you put your keyword phrase throughout your blog, you're making it appear relevant to the search engines.
How To to Sell on your Blog and "become popular"...
But how to you make it popular? The more authority sites you can link to, the more authority this gives your blog, which makes it popular.
I like to combine article marketing and YouTube marketing with blogging, because linking to higher authority sites will pull up the popularity of your own site.
An easy way to do this is utilize a team blogging system to launch from or link to.
You can use it as your base blogging platform.
Or, if you already have a blog that you wish to learn how to monetize, then I would suggest linking your personal blog to the high authority site blogging system.
You can actually cut and paste the same blog into both formats, and link together.

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