Should You Take a Chorionic Villus Test?
Chorionic villus sampling, more commonly called CVS is a medical procedure for pregnant women. It is done to detect possible defects and abnormalities in the fetus by getting a biopsy or tissue sample found in the placenta that would give an accurate picture of its status.
Chrionic villis sampling draws a biopsy from the placenta to read its chorionic villi content. The chorionic villus is a genetic material that can depict or give hints about the whole condition of the fetus. There are lot of factors why it is needed to be done like one of the parents has a genetic condition that can possibly passed down to a child and or the pregnant woman is at her 35 and over. Pregnancy in middle age women contributes to potential birth defects or anomalies that can be detected easily in the fetal chromosomes.
The procedure usually happens at first trimester when a child is not yet fully developed. It is done between 10th to 12th weeks or 2 to 3 months of pregnancy. The procedure can be performed with a catheter inserted through the cervix and or using a needle to puncture through the mother's belly. It is then guided by ultrasound until it reaches the placenta. Some of the diseases that it can detect at an early stage are hemophilia or Tay-sach's (sex link genetic disorder), sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and trisomy 21 or Down syndrome. However, it cannot detect premature lungs and other failed development like neural tube defects.
It normally takes a week or two to get the chorionic villi sampling results. Until then, the parents can only hope for a normal result. Chorionic villi sampling results that may show a positive outcome are those samples with 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs, anything beyond or below that is significant. Also, chorionic villi sampling results may tell the gender of the baby.
There are some risks in performing such procedure. This procedure may stimulate contraction and therefore, may lead to sudden expulsion of the fetal body inside the womb. Another great possibility is infection. Since it is an invasive procedure, it is very possible that microbes may gain access to the womb somewhere along the procedure and eventually, would lead in to more common complications. Nevertheless, this diagnostic procedure is prepared and done with strict sterility. This is one of the earliest procedures that medical services can perform. It is even earlier than amniocentesis.
Chrionic villis sampling draws a biopsy from the placenta to read its chorionic villi content. The chorionic villus is a genetic material that can depict or give hints about the whole condition of the fetus. There are lot of factors why it is needed to be done like one of the parents has a genetic condition that can possibly passed down to a child and or the pregnant woman is at her 35 and over. Pregnancy in middle age women contributes to potential birth defects or anomalies that can be detected easily in the fetal chromosomes.
The procedure usually happens at first trimester when a child is not yet fully developed. It is done between 10th to 12th weeks or 2 to 3 months of pregnancy. The procedure can be performed with a catheter inserted through the cervix and or using a needle to puncture through the mother's belly. It is then guided by ultrasound until it reaches the placenta. Some of the diseases that it can detect at an early stage are hemophilia or Tay-sach's (sex link genetic disorder), sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and trisomy 21 or Down syndrome. However, it cannot detect premature lungs and other failed development like neural tube defects.
It normally takes a week or two to get the chorionic villi sampling results. Until then, the parents can only hope for a normal result. Chorionic villi sampling results that may show a positive outcome are those samples with 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs, anything beyond or below that is significant. Also, chorionic villi sampling results may tell the gender of the baby.
There are some risks in performing such procedure. This procedure may stimulate contraction and therefore, may lead to sudden expulsion of the fetal body inside the womb. Another great possibility is infection. Since it is an invasive procedure, it is very possible that microbes may gain access to the womb somewhere along the procedure and eventually, would lead in to more common complications. Nevertheless, this diagnostic procedure is prepared and done with strict sterility. This is one of the earliest procedures that medical services can perform. It is even earlier than amniocentesis.