Microsoft Explorer 8 Requirements
- You need a 233 MHz or higher processor in your computer to run Internet Explorer 8. Your monitor should have a resolution of at least 800-by-600 pixels and be able to transmit 256 colors.
- Internet Explorer 8 is compatible with Windows XP 32-bit with Service Pack 2 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. It also works with the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 installed.
- You should have 64 MB of memory to run Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP 32-bit. The browser requires 128 MB of RAM for installation on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. You need 512 MB of memory to run it on either version of Windows Vista.
- Make sure your computer has 70 MB of free space on its hard drive if you're installing Internet Explorer 8 with the 32-bit version of Windows Vista. The software requires 120 MB of free space for Windows Vista 64-bit. You need 150 MB of space if you run Windows XP 32-bit and 200 MB if your computer has Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.